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Double nerve intraneural interface implant on a human amputee for robotic hand control

Rossini, Paolo M and Micera, Silvestro and Benvenuto, Antonella and Carpaneto, Jacopo and Cavallo, Giuseppe and Citi, Luca and Cipriani, Christian and Denaro, Luca and Denaro, Vincenzo and Di Pino, Giovanni and Ferreri, Florinda and Guglielmelli, Eugenio and Hoffmann, Klaus-Peter and Raspopovic, Stanisa and Rigosa, Jacopo and Rossini, Luca and Tombini, Mario and Dario, Paolo (2010) Double nerve intraneural interface implant on a human amputee for robotic hand control. Clinical Neurophysiology, 121 (5). pp. 777-783. DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinph.2010.01.001


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