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Response of the rat spinal cord to X-ray microbeams

Laissue, Jean A and Bartzsch, Stefan and Blattmann, Hans and Bräuer-Krisch, Elke and Bravin, Alberto and Dalléry, Dominique and Djonov, Valentin and Hanson, Albert L and Hopewell, John W and Kaser-Hotz, Barbara and Keyriläinen, Jani and Laissue, Pierre Philippe and Miura, Michiko and Serduc, Raphaël and Siegbahn, Albert E and Slatkin, Daniel N (2013) Response of the rat spinal cord to X-ray microbeams. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 106 (1). pp. 106-111. DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radonc.2012.12.007


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