Items where Author is "Corti, Louise"
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Corti, Louise (2020) Zooming in the time of Covid-19: 2020 Big Data Summer School successfully goes virtual. UK Data Service Impact Blog.
Hessen, Arjan van and Calamai, Silvia and Heuvel, Henk van den and Scagliola, Stefania and Karrouche, Norah and Beeken, Jeannine and Corti, Louise and Draxler, Christoph (2020) Speech, Voice, Text, and Meaning A Multidisciplinary Approach to Interview Data through the use of digital tools. In: ICMI '20: International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, 2020-10-25 - 2020-10-29, Virtual.
Corti, Louise and Bishop, Elizabeth (2020) Ethical issues in data sharing and curation. In: Handbook of Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity. Springer, London. ISBN 9783030167585. Official URL:
Scagliola, Stefania and Corti, Louise and Calamai, Silvia and Karrouche, Norah and Beeken,, Jeannine and van Hessen, Arjan and Draxler, Christoph and van den Heuvel, Henk and Broekhuizen, Max and Truongz, Khiet (2020) Cross Disciplinary Overtures with Interview Data: Integrating Digital Practices and Tools in the Scholarly Workflow. In: CLARIN Annual Conference 2019, 2019-09-30 - 2019-10-02, Leipzig, Germany.
Draxler, Christoph and van den Heuvel, Henk and van Hessen, Arjan and Calamai, Silvia and Corti, Louise (2020) A CLARIN Transcription Portal for Interview Data. In: 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2020-05-11 - 2020-05-16, Marseille, France.
Corti, Louise and Van den Eynden, Veerle and Bishop, Elizabeth and Woollard, Matthew (2019) Managing and Sharing Research Data: A Guide to Good Practice (second edition). SAGE Publications Ltd, London. ISBN 978-1526460264.
Corti, Louise and Wiltshire, Deborah (2019) “Get to it!” Clinical data sharing: Myth-busting and strategy. UK Data Service.
O’Neill, Dara and Benzeval, Michaela and Boyd, Andy and Calderwood, Lisa and Cooper, Cyrus and Corti, Louise and Dennison, Elaine and Fitzsimons, Emla and Goodman, Alissa and Hardy, Rebecca and Inskip, Hazel and Molloy, Lynn and Sacker, Amanda and Sudlow, Allan and Sullivan, Alice and Park, Alison (2019) Data Resource Profile: Cohort and Longitudinal Studies Enhancement Resources (CLOSER). International Journal of Epidemiology, 48 (3). 675-676i. DOI
Corti, Louise (2018) Facing the future of the Research Library: managing and sharing data in China. UK Data Service.
Corti, Louise (2018) 20 years of archiving and sharing qualitative data in the UK. Working Paper. ratSWD, Berlin.
Corti, Louise (2018) Show me the data: research reproducibility in qualitative research. National Centre for Research Method, University of Southampton, Southampton.
Scagliola, Stef and Corti, Louise (2018) Oral History under scrutiny in München; a multidisciplinary workshop with interview data. CLARIN EU, Netherlands.
Corti, Louise and Scagliola, Stefania and van Hessen, Arjan and Karrouche, Norah and Beeken, Jeannine and Draxler, Cristophe and Max, Brukhuisen (2018) Oral History and technology. In: CLARIN Annual Conference, 2018-10-08 - 2018-10-10, Pisa, Italy.
Corti, Louise and Scagliola, Stefania (2018) Oral History under scrutiny in München - Cross disciplinary overtures between linguists, historians and social scientists. In: Oral history: users and their scholarly practices in a multidisciplinary world, 2018-09-19 - 2018-09-21, Munich.
Corti, Louise and Bell, Darren (2018) Bringing qualitative data to life through online access and citation. ARC Magazine, 349. pp. 42-44.
Corti, Louise (2018) Show me the data: research reproducibility in qualitative research. UK Data Service.
Corti, Louise and Van den Eynden, Veerle (2018) Creating Shareable Research Data Training in Kyrgyzstan. UK Data Service, UK Data Service.
Corti, Louise and Serougi, Neil (2018) How can we up-skill charities to gain insights from data? New Philanthropy Capital (NPC), London.
Corti, Louise and Summers, Scott (2017) Supporting civil society organisations to gain insights and develop impact from data. UK Data Service.
Van den Eynden, Veerle and Corti, Louise (2017) Advancing research data publishing practices for the social sciences: from archive activity to empowering researchers. International Journal on Digital Libraries, 18 (2). pp. 113-122. DOI
Corti, Louise and Park, Chris (2017) Reflections on ‘Encounters with Big Data’, our course in Cape Town. UK Data Service.
Corti, Louise and Fielding, Nigel and Bishop, Libby (2016) Editorial for Special Edition, Digital Representations: Re-Using and Publishing Digital Qualitative Data. SAGE Open, 6 (4). p. 215824401667891. DOI
Corti, Louise (2016) Next steps for Open Access and Open Data research policy. In: Next steps for Open Access and Open Data research policy, 2016-11-22 - 2016-11-22, Westminster. (Unpublished)
Van den Eynden, Veerle and Knight, Gareth and Vlad, Anca and Radler, Barry and Tenopir, Carol and Leon, David and Manista, Frank and Whitworth, Jimmy and Corti, Louise (2016) Survey of Wellcome researchers and their attitudes to open research. Project Report. Wellcome Trust, London.
Corti, Louise and Fielding, Nigel (2016) Opportunities From the Digital Revolution: Implications for Researching, Publishing, and Consuming Qualitative Research. SAGE Open, 6 (4). p. 215824401667891. DOI
Van den Eynden, Veerle and Schreckenberg, Kate and Corti, Louise (2015) Sharing social data in multidisciplinary, multi-stakeholder research: Best practice guide for researchers. Working Paper. Ecosystem Service and Poverty Alleviation Programme & UK Data Service..
Corti, Louise and Van den Eynden, Veerle (2015) Learning to manage and share data: jump-starting the research methods curriculum. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 18 (5). pp. 545-559. DOI
Corti, Louise and Johnson, Lucy (2014) Good housekeeping: data management for winning bids. Research Professional.
Corti, Louise (2014) Metadata Marvels at the UK Data Archive Conference Poster. UK Data Archive.
Corti, Louise and Van den Eynden, Veerle and Bishop, Elizabeth and Woollard, Matthew (2014) Managing and Sharing Research Data: A Guide to Good Practice. Sage Publications Ltd., London. ISBN 978-1446267257.
Corti, Louise and Van den Eynden, Veerle and Ensom, Tom (2013) Research Data @ Essex Final Report. Project Report. University of Essex, Colchester.
Corti, Louise and Ensom, Thomas and Van den Eynden, Veerle (2013) Research Data @ Essex Outputs. UK Data Archive.
Woollard, Matthew and Corti, Louise (2013) Case study 4: a national solution - the UK Data Service. In: Delivering Research Data Management Services: Fundamentals of good practice. Facet Publishing. ISBN 9781856049337. Official URL:
Corti, Louise (2013) Infrastructures for qualitative data archiving. In: Forschungungs Infrastrukturen fur die Qualitative Sozialforschung. Sciverc, Berlin, pp. 35-62. ISBN 9783944417011. Official URL:
Corti, Louise (2013) Qualitative data archiving the UK case. In: Understanding Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences. Seismo Verlag, Zurich, pp. 67-69. ISBN 9783037771334. Official URL:
Corti, Louise (2012) Recent developments in archiving social research. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 15 (4). pp. 281-290. DOI
Martínez-García, Agustina and Corti, Louise (2012) Supporting student research with semantic technologies and digital archives. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 21 (2). pp. 273-288. DOI
Corti, Louise and Thompson, Paul (2012) Secondary analysis of archive data. In: SAGE: Secondary Data Analysis. SAGE Library of Research Methods . Sage Publications Ltd, London, pp. 297-313. ISBN 9781446246900. Official URL:
Valles, Miguel S and Corti, Louise and Tamboukou, Maria and Baer, Alejandro (2011) Qualitative archives and biographical research methods. An introduction to the FQS special issue. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung (FQS), 12 (3). DOI
Corti, Louise and Van den Eynden, Veerle and Horton, Laurence (2011) Data Management Planning for ESRC Research Data-rich Investments project (DMP-ESRC). Project Report. UK Data Archive, University of Essex, Colchester.
Horton, Laurence and Van den Eynden, Veerle and Corti, Louise and Bishop, Libby (2011) Data Management Recommendations for Research Centres and Programmes. Project Report. UK Data Archive, University of Essex, Colchester.
Corti, Louise and Gregory, Arofan (2011) CAQDAS Comparability. What about CAQDAS Data Exchange? Forum : Qualitative Social Research, 12 (1).
Corti, Louise (2011) The European Landscape of Qualitative Social Research Archives: Methodological and Practical Issues. Forum : Qualitative Social Research, 12 (3).
Corti, Louise and Van den Eynden, Veerle and Bishop, Libby and Morgan Brett, Bethany R (2011) Managing and Sharing Data; Training Resources. UK Data Archive, University of Essex.
Van den Eynden, Veerle and Corti, Louise and Woollard, Matthew and Bishop, Libby and Horton, Laurence (2011) Managing and Sharing Data; a best practice guide for researchers. Manual. UK Data Archive.
Van den Eynden, Veerle and Bishop, Libby and Horton, Laurence and Corti, Louise (2010) Data Management Practices in the Social Sciences. Project Report. UK Data Archive, University of Essex, Colchester.
Van den Eynden, Veerle and Corti, Louise (2009) Tensions between data sharing and data protection in research with people. SRA News.
Corti, Louise and L'Hours, Herve and Bhat, Angad (2008) Data Exchange and Conversion Utilities and Tools (DExT) Brochure. UK Data Archive.
Corti, Louise (2008) Data Exchange Tools and Utilities (DExT) Repositories and Preservation Tools QuDEx. Project Report. University of Essex, UK Data Archive, Colchester.
Corti, Louise (2008) Issues in re-using qualitative data: the experience of Qualidata. In: L'analyse secondaire en recherche qualitative : une nouvelle pratique en sciences humaines et sociales [Secondary analysis in qualitative research: a new practice in social and human sciences]. Lavoisier, Collection: Tec & Doc, Paris.
Cole, Keith and Corti, Louise and Wathan, Jo (2008) The Provision of Access to Quantitative Data for Secondary Analysis. In: The Sage Handbook of Online Research Methods. Sage Publications Ltd, London, pp. 364-384. ISBN 9781412922937. Official URL:
Corti, Louise (2007) Qualitative Demonstrator Scheme Co-ordinator's (QUADS) Final Report. Project Report. UK Data Archive, University of Essex, Colchester.
Corti, Louise (2007) Smart qualitative data: methods and community tools for data mark-Up (SQUAD) Research Report. Project Report. UK Data Archive, University of Essex, Colchester.
Milosavljevic, Maria and Grover, Claire and Corti, Louise (2007) Smart qualitative data (SQUAD): information extraction in a large document archive. In: 8th International Conference:on Computer-Assisted Information Retrieval (Recherche d'Information et ses Application (RIAO) 2007, 2007-05-30 - 2007-06-01, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Corti, Louise (2007) Re-using archived qualitative data – where, how, why? Archival Science, 7 (1). pp. 37-54. DOI
Corti, Louise (2006) Qualitative Archiving and Data Sharing: Extending the Reach and Impact of Qualitative Data. IASSIST Quarterly, 29 (3). pp. 8-13. DOI
Corti, Louise (2006) Editorial, Special Issue: Defining context for qualitative data. Methodological Innovation Online, 1 (2). pp. 1-9. DOI
Corti, Louise (2005) Survey Data in Teaching Project (SDiT): Enhancing Critical Thinking and Data Literacy. IASSIST Quarterly, 28 (2). pp. 39-54. DOI
Corti, Louise and Backhouse, Gill (2005) Acquiring qualitative data for secondary analysis. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 6 (2). DOI
Corti, Louise (2005) Survey Data in Teaching Project (SDiT): Enhancing critical thinking and data numeracy. MSOR Connections, 5 (1). DOI
Corti, Louise and Witzel, Andreas and Bishop, Libby (2005) On the potentials and problems of secondary analysis. An introduction to the FQS special issue on secondary analysis of qualitative data. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 6 (1). DOI
Corti, Louise and Bishop, Libby (2005) Strategies in teaching secondary analysis of qualitative data. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 6 (1). DOI
Corti, Louise (2004) Archival Research. In: The A-Z of Social Research A Dictionary of Key Social Science Research Concepts. SAGE Publications Ltd., London. ISBN 9780761971337. Official URL:
Corti, Louise (2004) Survey data in teaching Exchange for Learning Project (JISC X4L). Project Report. UK Data Archive, University of Essex, Colchester.
Corti, Louise and Mulberg, Jon (2004) Survey Data In Teaching: enhancing critical thinking and data numeracy: Tutors Guide. UK Data Archive, University of Essex, Colchester.
Corti, Louise and Thompson, Paul (2004) Secondary Analysis of Archived Data. In: Qualitative Research Practice. Sage. ISBN 9780761947769.
Corti, Louise (2003) Infrastructure services and needs for the provision of enhanced qualitative data resources. International Social Science Journal, 55 (177). pp. 417-432. DOI
Corti, Louise (2003) Qualitative Research Data, Archiving. In: The A-Z of Social Research A Dictionary of Key Social Science Research Concepts. SAGE Publications Ltd., pp. 241-245. ISBN 9780761971337.
Corti, Louise and Wright, Melanie (2002) MRC Population Data Archiving and Access Project. Project Report. UK Data Archive, Colchester.
Corti, Louise (2002) Symposium On Celebrating Classic Sociology: Pioneers of British Qualitative Research. Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique / Bulletin of Sociological Methodology, 73 (1). pp. 15-30. DOI
Dennison, Karen and Corti, Louise (2001) Using NESSTAR Light to Access Major UK Datasets Online. MSOR Connections, 1 (4). pp. 24-26. DOI
Corti, Louise and Day, Annette and Backhouse, Gill (2000) Confidentiality and Informed Consent: Issues for Consideration in the Preservation of and Provision of Access to Qualitative Data Archives. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 1 (3). DOI
Corti, Louise and Mruck, Katja and Kluge, Susann and Opitz, Diane (2000) Editorial to Special Issue: Text . Archive . Re-Analysis. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 1 (3). DOI
Corti, Louise (2000) Progress and Problems of Preserving and Providing Access to Qualitative Data for Social Research—The International Picture of an Emerging Culture. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 1 (3). DOI
Corti, Louise (1999) Text, Sound and Videotape: The Future of Qualitative Data in the Global Network. IASSIST Quarterly, 23 (2). pp. 18-25. DOI
Corti, Louise and Thompson, Paul (1998) Are you sitting on your qualitative data? Qualidata's mission. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1 (1). pp. 85-89. DOI
Corti, Louise and Dex, Shirley (1995) Highly qualified women. Employment Gazette (Official Journal of the Employment Department), Mar 95. pp. 115-122.
Corti, Louise and Laurie, Heather and Dex, Shirley (1995) Highly qualified women. Project Report. Employment Department, London.
Corti, Louise and Dex, Shirley (1995) Informal carers and employment. Employment Gazette (Official Journal of the Employment Department), Mar 95. pp. 101-107.
Corti, Louise (1994) For better or worse? annual change in smoking, self-assessed health and subjective well-being. In: Changing Households: The British Household Panel Survey 1990 -1992. ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change, Colchester, pp. 199-219. ISBN 978-1858711027.
Corti, Louise (1993) Using diaries in social research. Discussion Paper. University of Surrey, Surrey.
Rose, David and Campenelli, Pamela and Corti, Louise and Taylor, Marcia (1992) Methodology fo Household Panels and Longitudinal Data Analysis : Where are we are where do we go from here? A view from the British Household Panel Study. Working Paper. Methodology fo Household Panels and Longitudinal Data Analysis : Where are we are where do we go from here? A view from the British Household Panel Study, Colchester,.
Corti, Louise and Rose, David and Buck, Nick (1991) Design issues in the British Household Panel Study. Working Paper. ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change, Colchester.
Rose, David and Buck, Nick and Corti, Louise (1991) Design issues in the British Household Panel Study. BMS: Bulletin of Sociological Methodology, 32 (1). pp. 14-43. DOI
Rose, David and Corti, Louise and Crewe, Ivor and Busfield, Joan (1991) Micro-social change in Britain: an outline of the role and objectives of the British Household Panel Study. Working Paper. ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change, Colchester.
Corti, Louise (1989) Research Design Issues for the British Household Panel Study: working paper. Working Paper. University of Essex, Colchester. (Unpublished)