Items where Author is "Guinchard, A"
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Guinchard, A and Wesley, S (2016) The French Approach to Access to Justice. In: Access to Justice: Beyond the Policies and Politics of Austerity. Hart Publishing, pp. 259-287. ISBN 9781849467346.
Guinchard, A (2015) L?entreprise face � la cybercriminalit�. Approches de droits international et europ�en [Corporate criminal liability and cybercrime. International and European perspectives]. UNSPECIFIED.
Guinchard, A (2011) Le traitement des erreurs judiciaires en droit p�nal anglais [Miscarriages of Justice in English Law]. Actualit� Juridique - P�nal, 2011 (7-8). pp. 348-351.
Guinchard, A (2010) Mati�re p�nale et cumul des sanctions : vers un meilleur respect du principe non bis in idem ? [The concept of criminal charge and the practice of cumulating sanctions : towards better compliance with the principle of non bis in idem ?]. In: Justices et droit du proc�s : Du l�galisme proc�dural � l'humanisme processuel, Malanges en l'honneur de Serge Guinchard. Dalloz-Sirey. ISBN 978-2247085255.
Guinchard, A (2008) La s�curit� juridique en Common Law [Legal certainty and predictability at Common Law]. In: S�curit� juridique et droit �conomique. De Boeck/Larcier, Belgium, pp. 85-133. ISBN 9782804428549.