Items where Division is "Faculty of Social Sciences > Government, Department of " and Year is 2015
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Amaya Panche, Johanna and Langer, Johannes (2015) Comisiones de la verdad como instituciones de aprendizaje: El caso de Kenia. Economía & Region, 9 (1). pp. 35-65.
Amaya Panche, Johanna and Pino, Juan Federico (2015) Modelo de desarrollo y élites económicas en Bolivia: análisis de la concepción de desarrollo ancestral del presidente Evo Morales. Hallazgos, 12 (24). pp. 241-255. DOI
Andre, A and Depauw, S and Martin, S (2015) Electoral Systems and Legislators' Constituency Effort: The Mediating Effect of Electoral Vulnerability. Comparative Political Studies, 48 (4). pp. 464-496. DOI
Arena, Philip (2015) Crisis bargaining, domestic opposition, and tragic wars. Journal of Theoretical Politics, 27 (1). pp. 108-131. DOI
Arena, Philip (2015) Crisis bargaining, domestic opposition, and tragic wars. Journal of Theoretical Politics, 27 (1). pp. 108-131. DOI
Arena, Philip and Bak, Daehee (2015) Diversionary Incentives, Rally Effects, and Crisis Bargaining. Foreign Policy Analysis, 11 (2). pp. 233-250. DOI
Arena, Philip and Joyce, Kyle A (2015) Challenges to Inference in the Study of Crisis Bargaining. Political Science Research and Methods, 3 (3). pp. 569-587. DOI
Arena, Philip and Joyce, Kyle A (2015) Challenges to Inference in the Study of Crisis Bargaining. Political Science Research and Methods, 3 (03). pp. 569-587. DOI
Arzheimer, Kai (2015) The AfD: Finally a Successful Right-Wing Populist Eurosceptic Party for Germany? West European Politics, 38 (3). pp. 535-556. DOI
Asal, Victor and Cousins, Ken and Gleditsch, Kristian Skrede (2015) Making ends meet. Journal of Peace Research, 52 (1). pp. 134-138. DOI
Axelsen, David V and Nielsen, Lasse (2015) Sufficiency as Freedom from Duress. Journal of Political Philosophy, 23 (4). pp. 406-426. DOI
Aydogan, Abdullah and Slapin, Jonathan B (2015) Left–right reversed. Party Politics, 21 (4). pp. 615-625. DOI
Baumann, Markus and Debus, Marc and Müller, Jochen (2015) Convictions and Signals in Parliamentary Speeches: Dáil Éireann Debates on Abortion in 2001 and 2013. Irish Political Studies, 30 (2). pp. 199-219. DOI
Baumann, Markus and Debus, Marc and Müller, Jochen (2015) Personal Characteristics of MPs and Legislative Behavior in Moral Policymaking. Legislative Studies Quarterly, 40 (2). pp. 179-210. DOI
Beardsley, Kyle and Gleditsch, Kristian Skrede (2015) Peacekeeping as Conflict Containment. International Studies Review, 17 (1). pp. 67-89. DOI
Beardsley, Kyle and Gleditsch, Kristian Skrede and Lo, Nigel (2015) Roving Bandits? The Geographical Evolution of African Armed Conflicts. International Studies Quarterly, 59 (3). pp. 503-516. DOI
Birch, S and Clarke, HD and Whiteley, P (2015) Should 16-Year-Olds Be Allowed to Vote in Westminster Elections? Public Opinion and Electoral Franchise Reform. Parliamentary Affairs, 68 (2). pp. 291-313. DOI
Bohmelt, T (2015) Spatial Dependencies and International Mediation. Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations.
Bohmelt, T and Ruggeri, A and Pilster, U (2015) Counterbalancing, Spatial Dependence, and Peer Group Effects. Political Science Research and Methods.
Bou-Habib, P and Olsaretti, S (2015) Autonomy and Children's Well-being. In: The Nature of Children's Well-Being: Theory and Practice. Children's Well-Being: Indicators and Research, 9 . Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 15-33. ISBN 978-94-017-9251-6. Official URL:
Bou-Habib, Paul (2015) Locke’s <i>Tracts</i> and the anarchy of the religious conscience. European Journal of Political Theory, 14 (1). pp. 3-18. DOI
Böhmelt, Tobias (2015) Environmental Interest Groups and Authoritarian Regime Diversity. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 26 (1). pp. 315-335. DOI
Böhmelt, Tobias (2015) The spatial contagion of international mediation. Conflict Management and Peace Science, 32 (1). pp. 108-127. DOI
Böhmelt, Tobias and Bernauer, Thomas and Koubi, Vally (2015) The marginal impact of ENGOs in different types of democratic systems. European Political Science Review, 7 (1). pp. 93-118. DOI
Böhmelt, Tobias and Freyburg, Tina (2015) Diffusion of Compliance in the ‘Race towards Brussels?’ A Spatial Approach to EU Accession Conditionality. West European Politics, 38 (3). pp. 601-626. DOI
Böhmelt, Tobias and Pilster, Ulrich (2015) The Impact of Institutional Coup-Proofing on Coup Attempts and Coup Outcomes. International Interactions, 41 (1). pp. 158-182. DOI
Böhmelt, Tobias and Vollenweider, Jürg (2015) Information flows and social capital through linkages: the effectiveness of the CLRTAP network. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 15 (2). pp. 105-123. DOI
Cao, X and Ward, H (2015) Winning Coalition Size, State Capacity, and Time Horizons: An Application of Modified Selectorate Theory to Environmental Public Goods Provision. International Studies Quarterly, 59 (2). pp. 264-279. DOI
Cheibub, JA and Martin, S and Rasch, BE (2015) Government Selection and Executive Powers: Constitutional Design in Parliamentary Democracies. West European Politics, 38 (5). pp. 969-996. DOI
Chiba, D and Martin, LW and Stevenson, RT (2015) A Copula Approach to the Problem of Selection Bias in Models of Government Survival. Political Analysis, 23 (1). pp. 42-58. DOI
Chiba, D and Metternich, NW and Ward, MD (2015) Every Story Has a Beginning, Middle, and an End (But Not Always in That Order): Predicting Duration Dynamics in a Unified Framework. Political Science Research and Methods, 3 (3). pp. 515-541. DOI
Chiba, Daina and Johnson, Jesse C and Leeds, Brett Ashley (2015) Careful Commitments: Democratic States and Alliance Design. The Journal of Politics, 77 (4). pp. 968-982. DOI
Christensen, James (2015) Fair Trade, Formal Equality, and Preferential Treatment. Social Theory and Practice, 41 (3). pp. 505-526. DOI
Christensen, James (2015) Weapons, Security, and Oppression: A Normative Study of International Arms Transfers. Journal of Political Philosophy, 23 (1). pp. 23-39. DOI
Claassen, Christopher (2015) Measuring university quality. Scientometrics, 104 (3). pp. 793-807. DOI
Claassen, Christopher and Tucker, Patrick and Smith, Steven S (2015) Ideological Labels in America. Political Behavior, 37 (2). pp. 253-278. DOI
Clarke, Harold and Reifler, Jason and Scotto, Thomas J and Stewart, Marianne C and Whiteley, Paul (2015) Valence politics and voting in the 2012 U.S. presidential election. Electoral Studies, 40. pp. 462-470. DOI
Costalli, Stefano and Ruggeri, Andrea (2015) Forging political entrepreneurs: Civil war effects on post-conflict politics in Italy. Political Geography, 44. pp. 40-49. DOI
Dietrich, S and Winters, MS (2015) Foreign Aid and Government Legitimacy. Journal of Experimental Political Science, 2 (02). pp. 164-171. DOI
Dietrich, S and Wright, J (2015) Foreign Aid Allocation Tactics and Democratic Change in Africa. Journal of Politics, 77 (1). pp. 216-234. DOI
Dorussen, H and Fanoulis, E and Kirchner, EJ (2015) The EU as Regulator of Civil Security across Europe. In: European Civil Security Goverance - Diversity and Cooperation in Crisis and Disaster Management. Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 211-232. ISBN 9781137481108. Official URL:
Dorussen, H and Gizelis, T (2015) Flipping the Classroom in Teaching Conflict Resolution. inpracticearticles.
Dorussen, Han (2015) Security Perception after the Completion of UN Peacekeeping in Timor-Leste. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 21 (4). pp. 453-458. DOI
Ezrow, L and Hellwig, T (2015) The hidden cost of consensus: How coordinated market economies insulate politics. Research & Politics, 2 (4). p. 205316801561487. DOI
Fisher, Stephen D and Heath, Anthony F and Sanders, David and Sobolewska, Maria (2015) Candidate Ethnicity and Vote Choice in Britain. British Journal of Political Science, 45 (4). pp. 883-905. DOI
Freeman, M (2015) World Poverty: Rights, Obligations, Institutions, Motivations. Human Rights Quarterly, 37 (2). pp. 439-463. DOI
Garriga, Ana Carolina and Grau Vidiella, Marc (2015) Actitudes ante la inversión extranjera: el caso de México. Foro Internacional, 55 (3). pp. 879-916. DOI
Gartzke, Erik (2015) Interdependence, Development and Interstate Conflict. In: Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: Interdisciplinary Directions. Sage. ISBN 978-1452216454. (In Press)
Gartzke, Erik and Böhmelt, Tobias (2015) Climate and Conflict: Whence the Weather? Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 21 (4). pp. 445-451. DOI
Genovese, F (2015) Politics ex cathedra: Religious authority and the Pope in modern international relations. Research & Politics, 2 (4). p. 205316801561280. DOI
Gizelis, TI and Krause, J (2015) Exploring gender mainstreaming in security and development. In: Gender, Peace and Security: Implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1325. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 165-184. ISBN 9781138800021.
Gizelis, TI and Olsson, L (2015) Gender, Peace and Security. Routledge, pp. 1-255. ISBN 9781138800021. Official URL:
Glynos, J and Klimecki, R and Willmott, H (2015) Logics in Policy and Practice: A Critical Nodal Analysis of the UK Banking Reform Process. Critical Policy Studies, 9 (4). pp. 393-415. DOI
Glynos, Jason and Speed, Ewen and West, Karen (2015) Logics of marginalisation in health and social care reform: Integration, choice, and provider-blind provision. Critical Social Policy, 35 (1). pp. 45-68. DOI
Gravelle, Timothy B and Lachapelle, Erick (2015) Politics, proximity and the pipeline: Mapping public attitudes toward Keystone XL. Energy Policy, 83. pp. 99-108. DOI
Grundig, F and Ward, H (2015) Structural Group Leadership and Regime Effectiveness. Political Studies, 63 (1). pp. 221-239. DOI
Hare, Christopher and Armstrong, David A and Bakker, Ryan and Carroll, Royce and Poole, Keith T (2015) Using Bayesian Aldrich-McKelvey Scaling to Study Citizens' Ideological Preferences and Perceptions. American Journal of Political Science, 59 (3). pp. 759-774. DOI
Hovi, J and Ward, H and Grundig, F (2015) Hope or Despair? Formal Models of Climate Cooperation. Environmental and Resource Economics, 62 (4). pp. 665-688. DOI
Howard, Jeffrey W (2015) Democracy as the Search for Justice: A Defence of the Democracy/Contractualism Analogy. Political Studies, 63 (1). pp. 259-275. DOI
Howard, Jeffrey W (2015) The Instability of Democratic Contractarianism. Political Studies Review, 13 (2). pp. 184-195. DOI
Howarth, D (2015) Gramsci, Hegemony, And Post-Marxism. In: Antonio Gramsci. Critical Explorations in Contemporary Political Thought . Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 195-213. ISBN 9781137334176.
Howarth, D (2015) Post-Marxism. In: Routledge Handbook of Interpretive Political Science. Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 126-140. ISBN 978-0-415-65714-3.
Kayser, Mark Andreas and Lindstädt, René (2015) A Cross-National Measure of Electoral Competitiveness. Political Analysis, 23 (2). pp. 242-253. DOI
Kern, Florian G and Vossiek, Janis (2015) Get Organised: The 'Do's' Preceding Successful Field Research. European Political Science, 14 (2). pp. 137-148. DOI
King, Anthony (2015) Eight centuries on: who are Britain's barons now? In: Magna Carta and its Modern Legacy. Comparative Constitutional Law and Policy . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 42-55. ISBN 9781107533103.
King, Anthony (2015) Who Governs Britain? Penguin. ISBN 9780141980652. Official URL:
Kirchner, EJ and Christiansen, T and Dorussen, H (2015) EU-China security cooperation in context. In: Security Relations between China and the European Union. European University Institute: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, pp. 1-18. ISBN 9781107149038. Official URL:
Kirchner, EJ and Christiansen, T and Dorussen, H (2015) EU-China security cooperation in context. EUI Working Paper RSCAS 2015/31 (European University Institute). Working Paper. European University Institute: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.
Kirchner, Emil J and Fanoulis, Evangelos and Dorussen, Han (2015) Civil security in the EU: national persistence versus EU ambitions? European Security, 24 (2). pp. 287-303. DOI
Klingelhöfer, Tristan and Müller, Jochen (2015) Consociational and rational coalitions: Norm-based government formation and the case of the Dutch provinces. Acta Politica, 50 (1). pp. 101-124. DOI
Landa, Dimitri and Duell, Dominik (2015) Social Identity and Electoral Accountability. American Journal of Political Science, 59 (3). pp. 671-689. DOI
Leemann, L (2015) Political Conflict and Direct Democracy -- Explaining Initiative Use 1920-2011. Swiss Political Science Review, 21 (4). pp. 596-616. DOI
Lloyd, Moya (2015) Butler and Ethics. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780748678846. Official URL:
Lloyd, Moya (2015) The Ethics and Politics of Vulnerable Bodies. In: Butler and Ethics. Critical Connections . Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 167-192. ISBN 9780748678846. Official URL:
MacCarthaigh, M and Martin, S (2015) Bicameralism in the Republic of Ireland: The Seanad Abolition Referendum. Irish Political Studies, 30 (1). pp. 121-131. DOI
Manoharan, Karthick Ram (2015) 'To explain the other to myself': Fanon, Ramasamy and Identity Politics. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Martin, S (2015) Government Formation in Ireland. In: Parliaments and Government Formation. Oxford University Press (OUP), pp. 121-135. ISBN 9780198747017.
Mattes, Michaela and Leeds, Brett Ashley and Carroll, Royce (2015) Leadership Turnover and Foreign Policy Change: Societal Interests, Domestic Institutions, and Voting in the United Nations. International Studies Quarterly, 59 (2). pp. 280-290. DOI
Newman, BJ and Hartman, TK and Lown, PL and Feldman, S (2015) Easing the Heavy Hand: Humanitarian Concern, Empathy, and Opinion on Immigration. British Journal of Political Science, 45 (03). pp. 583-607. DOI
Olsson, L and Gizelis, TI (2015) An introduction to resolution 1325: Measuring progress and impact. In: Gender, Peace and Security Implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1325. Routledge Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution . Routledge, pp. 1-15. ISBN 9781317627944.
Parr, T (2015) From Philanthropy to Philanthropists. In: New Philanthropy and Social Justice. Policy Press, pp. 65-78. ISBN 9781447316978.
Phayal, Anup and Khadka, Prabin B and Thyne, Clayton L (2015) What Makes an Ex-Combatant Happy? A Micro-Analysis of Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration in South Sudan. International Studies Quarterly, 59 (4). pp. 654-668. DOI
Pilster, Ulrich and Böhmelt, Tobias and Tago, Atsushi (2015) Political Leadership Changes and the Withdrawal from Military Coalition Operations, 1946-2001. International Studies Perspectives, 16 (4). pp. 463-483. DOI
Plümper, Thomas and Neumayer, Eric (2015) Free-riding in alliances: Testing an old theory with a new method. Conflict Management and Peace Science, 32 (3). pp. 247-268. DOI
Quiroz Flores, A (2015) United States of America: The Cabinet. In: The Selection of Ministers around the World. Routledge Research on Social and Political Elites . Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, UK. ISBN 978-0-415-63346-8.
Rasch, BE and Martin, S and Cheibub, JA (2015) Investiture Rules and Government Formation. In: Parliaments and Government Formation. Oxford University Press (OUP), pp. 3-26. ISBN 9780198747017.
Rasch, BE and Martin, S and Cheibub, JA (2015) Parliaments and Government Formation: Unpacking Investiture Rules. Oxford University Press (OUP). ISBN 9780198747017.
Reinhardt, GY (2015) Race, Trust, and Return-Migration: The Political Drivers of Post-Disaster Resettlement. Political Research Quarterly, 68 (2). pp. 350-362.
Reinhardt, Gina Yannitell (2015) First‐Hand Experience and Second‐Hand Information: Changing Trust across Three Levels of Government. Review of Policy Research, 32 (3). pp. 345-364. DOI
Roger, Léa and Winzen, Thomas (2015) Party groups and committee negotiations in the European Parliament: outside attention and the anticipation of plenary conflict. Journal of European Public Policy, 22 (3). pp. 391-408. DOI
Sanders, D (2015) The Reluctant Europeans: Britain and the EU 1953-2014. In: Drifting towards the Exit? Taking Stock of Britain?s EU Membership after 40 Years. Wissner Verlag, Augsburg, pp. 9-36. ISBN 9783957860422.
Scotto, Thomas (2015) Measuring Attitudes. In: Researching Social Life. Sage, London. ISBN 9781446295458. Official URL:
Slapin, JB and Jensen, CB (2015) The Politics of Multispeed Integration in the European Union. In: European Union Power and Policy-Making (4th Edition). Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon, Oxon. ISBN 978-0415715522.
Slapin, Jonathan B (2015) How European Union Membership Can Undermine the Rule of Law in Emerging Democracies. West European Politics, 38 (3). pp. 627-648. DOI
Slavny, Adam and Parr, Tom (2015) HARMLESS DISCRIMINATION. Legal Theory, 21 (2). pp. 100-114. DOI
Sobolewska, Maria and D. Fisher, Stephen and Heath, Anthony F and Sanders, David (2015) Understanding the effects of religious attendance on political participation among ethnic minorities of different religions. European Journal of Political Research, 54 (2). pp. 271-287. DOI
Storli, Endre (2015) Election note on the 2013 Norwegian election. Electoral Studies, 38. pp. 98-101. DOI
Ward, Hugh and Dorussen, Han (2015) Public Information and Performance: The Role of Spatial Dependence in the Worldwide Governance Indicators among African Countries. World Development, 74. pp. 253-263. DOI
White, Peter B and Vidovic, Dragana and González, Belén and Gleditsch, Kristian Skrede and Cunningham, David E (2015) Nonviolence as a Weapon of the Resourceful: From Claims to Tactics in Mobilization*. Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 20 (4). pp. 471-491. DOI
Whiteley, P and Clarke, HD and Sanders, D and Stewart, MC (2015) The Economic and Electoral Consequences of Austerity Policies in Britain. Parliamentary Affairs, 68 (1). pp. 4-24. DOI
Whiteley, PF (2015) Social Capital. In: International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition). Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 174-180. ISBN 978-0-08-097087-5. Official URL:
Winzen, Thomas and Roederer-Rynning, Christilla and Schimmelfennig, Frank (2015) Parliamentary co-evolution: national parliamentary reactions to the empowerment of the European Parliament. Journal of European Public Policy, 22 (1). pp. 75-93. DOI
Xena, Carla (2015) Old Measures, New Implications: The Meaning of Political Efficacy across Political Contexts. PhD thesis, University of Essex.