Items where Division is "Faculty of Arts and Humanities > Philosophical, Historical and Interdisciplinary Studies, School of" and Year is 2016
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Adams, Christopher David (2016) More Alive than Ever? Futurism in the 1940s. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Ades, Dawn (2016) Surrealism in Latin America. In: A Companion to Dada and Surrealism. Wiley, pp. 177-196. ISBN 9781118476185. Official URL:
Burch, M (2016) Religion and scientism: a shared cognitive conundrum. International Journal for Philosophy of Religion.
Colson, J (2016) Negotiating Merchant Identities: London Companies Merging and Dividing, c.1450-1550. In: Medieval Merchants and Money: Essays in Honour of James L. Bolton. Institute of Historical Research, London. ISBN 9781909646162.
Colson, Justin (2016) Commerce, clusters, and community: A re-evaluation of the occupational geography of London, c. 1400-c. 1550. Economic History Review, 69 (1). pp. 104-130. DOI
Di Giuseppantonio Di Franco, Paola and Matthews, Justin L and Matlock, Teenie (2016) Framing the past: How virtual experience affects bodily description of artefacts. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 17. pp. 179-187. DOI
Dikötter, Frank and Zhou, Xun and Laamann, Lars Peter (2016) Narcotic Culture: A History of Drugs in China. C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd. ISBN 9781849044721.
Dymock, A and Lodder, M (2016) 'The Erotics of Injury: Remembering Operation Spanner Workshops', 10&11 September 2015, University of Essex and Royal Holloway, University of London. Porn Studies, 3 (3). pp. 320-323. DOI
Escribano, Miguel (2016) Dalí's Religious Models: the Iconography of Martyrdom and its Contemplation. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Finlayson, L (2016) An Introduction to Feminism. Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781107121041.
Freyenhagen, F (2016) Was ist orthodoxe Kritische Theorie? Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 65 (3). pp. 456-469. DOI
Freyenhagen, Fabian (2016) Critical Theory's Philosophy. In: The Cambridge Companion to Philosophical Methodology. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 356-378. ISBN 9781107121522. Official URL:
Frost, MR (2016) Pandora's post box: Empire and information in British India, 1854-1914. English Historical Review, 131 (552). pp. 1043-1073. DOI
Frost, Mark R (2016) Amitav Ghosh and the Art of Thick Description: History in the Ibis Trilogy. American Historical Review, 121 (5). pp. 1537-1544. DOI
Grant, M (2016) The imaginative landscape of nuclear war in Britain, 1945-65. In: Understanding the imaginary war: Culture, thought and nuclear conflict, 1945?90. Cultural History of Modern War . Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 92-115. ISBN 978-1-7849-9440-2. Official URL:
Grant, Matthew (2016) Historicizing Citizenship in Post-War Britain. The Historical Journal, 59 (4). pp. 1187-1206. DOI
Grant, Matthew and Ziemann, Benjamin (2016) Understanding the imaginary war: Culture, thought and nuclear conflict, 1945-90. Cultural History of Modern War . Manchester University Press. ISBN 9781784994402. Official URL:
Green, Alix R (2016) History, Policy and Public Purpose: Historians and Historical Thinking in Government. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-146. ISBN 978-1-137-52085-2. Official URL:
Griffiths, Paul H (2016) An argument against the conjunction of direct realism and the standard causal picture. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Guillot, Marie (2016) Thinking of oneself as the thinker: the concept of self and the phenomenology of intellection. Philosophical Explorations, 19 (2). pp. 138-160. DOI
Han-Pile, B (2016) Foucault, normativity and critique as a practice of the self. Continental Philosophy Review, 49 (1). pp. 85-101. DOI
Han-Pile, Béatrice (2016) Phenomenology and Anthropology in Foucault's Introduction to Binswanger's 'Dream and Existence': a Mirror Image to The Order of Things? History and Theory, 55 (4). pp. 7-22. DOI
Haynes, Jeffrey (2016) Anxiety's Ambiguity: via Kierkegaard & Heidegger. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Higgs, EJ (2016) Domestic Servants and Households in Rochdale 1851-1871. Routledge Library Editions: the Victorian World, 25 . Routledge, London, pp. 1-423. ISBN 978-1-138-63884-6. Official URL:
Higgs, Edward and Wilkinson, Amanda (2016) Women, Occupations and Work in the Victorian Censuses Revisited. History Workshop Journal, 81 (1). pp. 17-38. DOI
Iversen, Margaret (2016) Desire and the Diagrammatic. Oxford Art Journal, 39 (1). pp. 1-17. DOI
Jütten, Timo (2016) Kann Hegel Wettbewerb und Solidarität versöhnen? In: Korporation und Sittlichkeit. Zur Aktualität von Hegels Theorie der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft. Hegel Forum . Fink, Paderborn, pp. 159-175. ISBN 978-3770560998.
Jütten, Timo (2016) Sexual Objectification. Ethics, 127 (1). pp. 27-49. DOI
Kelley, SM (2016) Recovering the Stolen Histories of American Slaves. Zocalo Public Square.
Kelley, Sean M (2016) The Voyage of the Slave Ship Hare: A Journey Into Captivity from Sierra Leone to South Carolina. University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 9781469627687. Official URL:
Kelley, Sean M and Lovejoy, Henry B (2016) The Origins of the African-Born Population of Antebellum Texas: A Research Note. Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 120 (2). pp. 216-232. DOI
Khurana, T (2016) "The Common Root of Meaning and Nonmeaning": Derrida, Foucault and the Transformation of the Transcendental Question. In: Foucault/Derrida Fifty Years Later: The Futures of Genealogy, Deconstruction, and Politics. Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 80-104. ISBN 9780231171946.
Khurana, T (2016) Die Kunst der zweiten Natur: Zu einem modernen Kulturbegriff nach Kant, Schiller und Hegel. WestEnd. Neue Zeitschrift fuer Sozialforschung, 13 (1). pp. 35-55.
Khurana, T (2016) Versuch ueber die Veraenderung. Zu Breaking Bad. WestEnd. Neue Zeitschrift fuer Sozialforschung, 13 (2). pp. 25-52.
Lodder, M (2016) Visual pleasure and gonzo pornography: Mason’s challenge to convention in ‘the hardest of hardcore’. Porn Studies, 3 (4). pp. 373-385. DOI
Loughran, TL (2016) Landscape for a good woman's weekly: finding magazines in post-war British history and culture. In: Women in Magazines: Research, Representation, Production and Consumption. Routledge Research in Gender and History . Routledge, pp. 40-52. ISBN 9781138824027. Official URL:
Lumsden, John M (2016) At the limit of the concept: logic and history in Hegel, Schelling, and Adorno. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Mallardo, Rosalba (2016) Securing the Future of the Critical Project of Aufklärung. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Martin, W (2016) Fichte's transcendental deduction of private property. In: Fichte's Foundations of Natural Right: A Critical Guide. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 978-1107078147.
Martin, W (2016) From Kant to Fichte. In: The Cambridge Companion to Fichte. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 978-0521478052.
Paz Moscoso, Valeria (2016) Roberto Valcárcel: Renaming Repression and Rehearsing Liberation in Contemporary Bolivian Art. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Pearson, C (2016) Paul Mellon Centre Rome Fellowship: The renaissance of the Renaissance? Architecture and urbanism between Italy and England. Papers of the British School at Rome, 84. pp. 344-345. DOI
Raven, J (2016) Debating the Lottery in Britain c. 1750-1830. In: Random Riches: Gambling Past and Present. Routledge, Abingdon & New York, pp. 87-104. ISBN 9781472470041. Official URL:
Raven, J (2016) Non-metropolitan printing and business in Britain and Ireland between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. In: Print Culture Histories Beyond the Metropolis. Studies in Book and Print Culture . University of Toronto Press, Toronto, ON, pp. 29-53. ISBN 9781442650626.
Reid, A and Garrett, EM and Dibben, C and Williamson, L (2016) A Century of Deaths, Scotland 1855?1955: A View from the Civil Registers. In: Death in Modern Scotland, 1855?1955 Beliefs, Attitudes and Practices. Studies in the History and Culture of Scotland . Peter Lang. ISBN 9783035397550.
Reid, A and Garrett, EM and Dibben, C and Williamson, L (2016) Gender specific mortality trends over the epidemiological transition: a view from the British mainland 1850-2000. In: Gender-specific life expectancy in Europe 1850-2010. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 73-88. ISBN 978-3-515-11258-1.
Reid, A and Garrett, EM and Szreter, S (2016) Residential Mobility and Child Mortality in Early Twentieth Century Belfast. In: New Approaches to Death in Cities during the Health Transition. International Studies in Population . Springer, pp. 55-76. ISBN 978-3-319-43001-0.
Rogakos, Megakles (2016) A Joycean Exegesis of "The Large Glass": Homeric Traces in the Postmodernism of Marcel Duchamp. Doctoral thesis, University of Essex.
Rose, Rebecca (2016) The evolution of the private art museum in Mexico. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Rowlands, Alison (2016) Father confessors and clerical intervention in witch-trials in seventeenth-century Lutheran Germany: The case of Rothenburg, 1692. English Historical Review, 131 (552). pp. 1010-1042. DOI
Rowlands, Alison (2016) Gender, Ungodly Parents and a Witch Family in Seventeenth-Century Germany. Past and Present, 232 (1). pp. 45-86. DOI
Ruiz-Gómez, Natasha (2016) Against the grain: Rodin's experiments with paper. In: Ecstasies: Drawings by Auguste Rodin. National Gallery of Denmark [Statens Museum for Kunst], Copenhagen, pp. 171-202. ISBN 9788775511693.
Schaub, J (2016) Luftschloss Liberalismus Warum das Denken in Krisenzeiten keinen Halt indet. Mittelweg 36, 25 (2). pp. 38-55.
Tymkiw, M (2016) Engaged Spectatorship: On the Relationship between Non-Museum Exhibitions and Museums in National Socialist Germany. In: Museen im Nationalsozialismus: Akteure - Orte - Politik. Böhlau, Cologne, pp. 161-176. ISBN 978-3412224080.
Zhou, Xun (2016) ‘Cosmopolitan from above’: a Jewish experience in Hong Kong. European Review of Economic History, 23 (5-6). pp. 897-911. DOI
Zhou, Xun (2016) Introduction to Re-thinking Health and Health Care Delivery: Historical Perspectives and Global Challenges. Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 9 (1). pp. 1-3. DOI
Zhou, Xun (2016) Perceiving Jews in Modern China. In: The Image of Jews in Contemporary China. Jewish Identities in Post-Modern Society . Academic Studies Press, pp. 5-23. ISBN 9781618114204. Official URL:
Zhou, Xun (2016) Re-examining the History of the Great Famine in China through Documentary Evidence. East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies, 3 (2). pp. 133-151. DOI
Zhou, Xun (2016) Reconsidering the Barefoot Doctor Programme. Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 9 (1). pp. 41-63. DOI