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Affairs, International Work Group for Indigenous and IWGIA (2012) Género, complementariedades y exclusiones en Mesoamérica y los Andes. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9788792786111.

Al Shalabi, Rasha (2017) Mapping the Dominican-American Experience: Narratives by Julía Alvarez, Junot Díaz, Loida Maritza Pérez and Angie Cruz. PhD thesis, University of Essex.

Assuncao, MR and Zeuske, M (1998) 'Race', Ethnicity and Social Structure in 19th Century Brazil and Cuba. beroamerikanisches Archiv.Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft und Geschicht, 24 (3-4). pp. 375-444.


Barsy Janer, Marina (2018) TRICKSTERS OF THE SPECTATORial The decolonial proposals of performance artivism through the encounters with La Pocha Nostra and Freddie Mercado. PhD thesis, University of Essex.


Canessa, A (2012) Conflict, Claim and Contradiction in the New Indigenous State of Bolivia. UNSPECIFIED. desiguALdades.net Working Paper Series No. 22, Berlin.

Canessa, A (2009) Forgetting the Revolution and Remembering the War: Memory and Violence in Highland Bolivia. History Workshop Journal, 68 (1). pp. 173-198. DOI https://doi.org/10.1093/hwj/dbp001

Canessa, Andrew (2012) Gender, Indigeneity, and the Performance of Authenticity in Latin American Tourism. Latin American Perspectives, 39 (6). pp. 109-115. DOI https://doi.org/10.1177/0094582x12456681

Canessa, Andrew (2012) New Indigenous Citizenship in Bolivia: Challenging the Liberal Model of the State and its Subjects. Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, 7 (2). pp. 201-221. DOI https://doi.org/10.1080/17442222.2012.686335

Canessa, Andrew (2008) The Past is Not Another Country: Exploring Indigenous Histories in Bolivia. History and Anthropology, 19 (4). pp. 353-369. DOI https://doi.org/10.1080/02757200802611654


Dudley, Ian A (2017) Edward Goodall’s ‘Sketches in British Guiana’: art, anthropography and colonialism in 19th century Amazonia. Doctoral thesis, University of Essex.


Fuggle, Ben (2020) Disputed Borderlands: Entangled Territories between the Spanish and British Empires in Colonial Central America, 1700-1787. PhD thesis, University of Essex.


Guerrero González, María José (2024) The case of the Chilean Law against street harassment: How a feminist social movement took advantage of the political opportunity structure. Doctoral thesis, University of Essex.

Gélvez Rubio, Tatiana Andrea (2021) Three essays on local government performance and political institutions in Colombia. PhD thesis, University of Essex.


Hamnett, Brian (2009) Antonio Bergosa y Jordán (1748-1819), Obispo de México, ¿ilustrado? ¿reaccionario? ¿contemporizador? ¿oportunista? Historia Mexicana, 59 (1). pp. 117-136.

Hamnett, Brian (2006) A Concise History of Mexico (2nd ed.). Cambridge Concise Histories . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521618021.

Hamnett, Brian (2010) El momento de decisión y de acción: EL Virreinato del Perú en el año de 1810 [A time of decision and action: the Viceroyalty of Peru in 1810]. Historia y Política. Ideas, Procesos y Movimientos Sociales, 24. pp. 143-168.

Hamnett, Brian (2009) Histoire du Mexique. Librairie Académique Perrin, Paris. ISBN 9782262029241.

Hamnett, Brian (2001) Historia de Mexico. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9788483231180.

Hamnett, Brian (1994) Juárez: Profiles in Power. Longman. ISBN 9780582050532.

Hamnett, Brian (2009) 'Juárez: la verdadera significación de una presidencia controvertida'. In: Juárez: historia y mito. Estudios Historicos . El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Históricos, Mexico City, pp. 17-32. ISBN 9786074620764.

Hamnett, Brian (2011) La política española en una época revolucionaria, 1790-1820. Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico City. ISBN 9786071605665.

Hamnett, Brian (2009) 'Modelos y tendencias de interpretación de las independencias americanas'. In: Las independencias iberoamericanas: ¿un proceso imaginado? Historia Medieval y Moderna . Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial, Bilbao/Zarauz, pp. 23-36. ISBN 9788498603156.

Hamnett, Brian (2010) Raices de la Insurgencia en Mexico: Historia Regional, 1750-1824 [Roots of Insurgency in Mexico]. Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico City. ISBN 9786071603036.

Hamnett, Brian (2011) Revolución y contrarrevolución en México y el Perú. Liberales, realistas y separatistas, 1800-1824. Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico City. ISBN 9786071606716.

Hamnett, Brian (2011) Spain and Portugal and the Loss of their Continental American Territories in the 1820s: An Examination of the Issues. European History Quarterly, 41 (3). pp. 397-412. DOI https://doi.org/10.1177/0265691411405295

Hulme, P (1986) Colonial Encounters: Europe and the Native Caribbean, 1492-1797. Methuen, London and New York. ISBN 0416418600.

Hulme, P (2002) Patagonian cases: travel writing, fiction, history. In: Seuils & Traverses: Enjeux de l?�criture du voyagem, vol. II. Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique / Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Brest, pp. 223-237. ISBN 2901737552.

Hulme, Peter (2011) Cuba's Wild East: A Literary Geography of Oriente. American Tropics: Towards a Literary Geography, 1 . Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. ISBN 9781846317484. Official URL: https://www.liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk/doi/boo...


Kelley, Sean M and Lovejoy, Henry B (2016) The Origins of the African-Born Population of Antebellum Texas: A Research Note. Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 120 (2). pp. 216-232. DOI https://doi.org/10.1353/swh.2016.0064


Lankester-Campos, Valerie Ann (2017) Political budget cycles in Latin America: fiscal policy effectiveness or regulated markets? PhD thesis, University of Essex.


Mazzolini, Samuele (2018) Populism and hegemony in Ernesto Laclau. Theory and strategy in the Italian Communist Party and the Ecuadorian Citizens' Revolution. PhD thesis, University of Essex.


Nolan, Suzanne (2015) Late Classic Politics and Ideology: A Case Study of Hieroglyphic Stairway 2 at Yaxchilan, Chiapas, Mexico. PhD thesis, University of Essex.


Ortiz-Ruiz, Nicolas (2019) Activism in transition: generations and political subjectivation in the Chilean post-dictatorship student movement. PhD thesis, University of Essex.


Pakleppa, R and Röhrig Assunção, Matthias and Mansa, MC (2014) Body Games. Capoeira and Ancestry. [Jogo de Corpo. Capoeira e ancestralidade]. [Video]

Paz Moscoso, Valeria (2016) Roberto Valcárcel: Renaming Repression and Rehearsing Liberation in Contemporary Bolivian Art. PhD thesis, University of Essex.

Peake, Jak and McMahon, Wendy (2019) American Networks: Radicals under the Radar (1840–1968). Comparative American Studies: An International Journal, 15 (3-4). pp. 99-116. DOI https://doi.org/10.1080/14775700.2017.1553768

Peçanha (Mestre Cobra Mansa), CF and Röhrig Assunção, Matthias (2015) Da senzala à academia: a diversificação da capoeira. Ciencia Hoje, 56 (331). pp. 24-29.

Pérez Aguirre, Manuel Ernesto (2023) The effects of criminal violence and State weakness on human rights abuses: The Mexican case. Doctoral thesis, University of Essex.


Rodríguez Guerrero, David Arturo (2021) Microsimulation analysis of informal labour markets in developing countries. PhD thesis, University of Essex.

Röhrig Assunção, Matthias (2015) Angola in Brazil: The Formation of Angoleiro identity in Bahia. In: African Heritage and Memories of Slavery in Brazil and the South Atlantic World. Cambria Press, pp. 109-148. ISBN 9781604978926.

Röhrig Assunção, Matthias (2013) Capoeira. In: Das Lateinamerika-Lexikon. Peter Hammer Verlag, Wuppertal. ISBN 978-3-7795-0474-0.

Röhrig Assunção, Matthias (2014) Capoeira Music. In: Genres: Caribbean and Latin America. Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World . Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781441132253.

Röhrig Assunção, Matthias (2005) Capoeira. The History of an Afro-Brazilian Martial Art. Sport in Global Society . Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0714650319.

Röhrig Assunção, Matthias (1999) Capoeira. Zur Geschichte einer afro-brasilianischen Kunstform zwischen Anpassung und Widerstand. In: Aneignung und Selbstbehauptung in der Geschichte der Europäischen Expansion. R. Oldenbourg, Munich, pp. 317-344.

Röhrig Assunção, Matthias (2018) De caboclos a bem-te-vis. Formação do campesinato numa sociedade escravista: Maranhão 1800-1850. Annablume, São Paulo. ISBN 978-85-391-0660-8.

Röhrig Assunção, Matthias (2000) El Imperio bajo amenaza. La Regência y las revueltas regionales: Brasil, 1831-45. In: Acuarela de Brasil, 500 años después. Seis ensayos sobre la realidad histórica y económica brasileña. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, pp. 52-65.

Röhrig Assunção, Matthias (2007) History and Memory in Capoeira Lyrics from Bahia, Brazil. In: Cultures of the Lusophone Black Atlantic. Studies of the Americas . Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 199-218. ISBN 9780230600478.

Röhrig Assunção, Matthias (1998) Histórias do Balaio. Historiografia, memória oral e as origens da Balaiada. História Oral.Revista da Associação Brasileir a de História Oral, 1 (1). pp. 67-90.

Röhrig Assunção, Matthias (2001) Resgatando o carnaval de rua: A fuzarca maranhense contra a homogeneização nacional-global. Revista USP, 48 (Dec. 2). pp. 159-178.

Röhrig Assunção, Matthias (2014) Ringue ou academia? A emergência dos estilos modernos da capoeira e seu contexto global [Capoeira circle or sports academy? The emergence of modern styles of capoeira and their global context]. História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos, 21 (1). pp. 135-150. DOI https://doi.org/10.1590/s0104-59702014005000002

Röhrig Assunção, Matthias (2013) Ringue ou academia? A emergência dos estilos modernos da capoeira e seu contexto global [Capoeira circle or sports academy? The emergence of modern styles of capoeira and their global context]. In: .): Brasilien in der Welt. Region, Nation und Globalisierung 1870?1945. Campus, Frankfurt am Main/New York, pp. 95-115. ISBN 9783593398150.

Röhrig Assunção, Matthias (2014) Stanzas and Sticks: Poetic and Physical Challenges in the Afro-Brazilian Culture of the Paraiba Valley, Rio de Janeiro. History Workshop Journal, 77 (1). pp. 103-136. DOI https://doi.org/10.1093/hwj/dbt007

Röhrig Assunção, Matthias (2015) Uma visão de dentro da vadiação baiana. Os manuscritos do Mestre Noronha e o seu significado para a história da capoeira. Revista Africa(s), 1 (2). pp. 81-100.

Röhrig Assunção, Matthias (2006) A resistência escrava nas Américas: algumas considerações comparativas. In: Trabalho livre, trabalho escravo. Brasil e Europa, séculos XVIII e XIX. Annablume, São Paulo, pp. 335-360.

Röhrig Assunção, Matthias and Mattos, H (2009) Verses and Cudgels. Stick Playing in the Afro-Brazilian Culture of the Paraíba Valley (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) [Versos e cacetes. O jogo do pau na cultura afro-fluminense]. [Video]


Sanchez Parra, T (2018) Born of war in Colombia: Narratives of unintelligibility, contested identities, and the memories of absence. PhD thesis, University of Essex.


Toledo García, Itzel (2016) The Dilemma of Revolution and Stabilisation: Mexico and the European Powers in the Obregón-Calles Era, 1920-28. PhD thesis, University of Essex.

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