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AL-Qaralleh, Osama (2020) Social Movements and Corporate Social Disclosure: Evidence from Jordan. PhD thesis, University of Essex.

Alexander, David (2016) Combat-Activated Thymic Disorientation. PhD thesis, University of Essex.

Anderson, B and Speed, E (2010) Social Media And Health: Implications For Primary Health Care Providers. UNSPECIFIED. Centre for Research in Economic Sociology and Innovation (CRESI), University of Essex, Colchester, UK.

Annaheim, Beatrice and Scotto, Thomas J and Gmel, Gerhard (2010) Revising the Cannabis Use Disorders Identification Test (CUDIT) by means of Item Response Theory. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 19 (3). pp. 142-155. DOI https://doi.org/10.1002/mpr.308

Avram, Silvia (2016) Social assistance performance in Central and Eastern Europe: A pre-transfer post-transfer comparison. Journal of European Social Policy, 26 (5). pp. 428-441. DOI https://doi.org/10.1177/0958928716664296

Ayenuyo, F O (2020) Collective actions for poverty reduction in Nigeria and South Africa: Exploring the perspectives of elites and the poor. PhD thesis, University of Essex.


Bakre, Owolabi (2007) Money Laundering and Trans-organised Financial Crime in Nigeria: Collaboration of the Local and Foreign Capitalist Elites. Working Paper. EBS Working Papers, University of Essex, Colchester.

Beresford, Peter (2016) All our welfare: Towards participatory social policy. Policy Press. ISBN 978-1447328940. Official URL: https://policy.bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/all-ou...

Beresford, Peter (2016) Presenting welfare reform: poverty porn, telling sad stories or achieving change? Disability & Society, 31 (3). pp. 421-425. DOI https://doi.org/10.1080/09687599.2016.1173419

Bhalotra, S and Heady, C (2003) Child Farm Labor: The Wealth Paradox. World Bank Economic Review, 17 (2). pp. 197-227.

Bhalotra, S and Maselko, J and Baranov, V (2016) Maternal Depression, Parenting Behaviors and Child Development: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial. University of Essex.

Bhalotra, S and Venkataramani, AS (2015) Shadows of the Captain of the Men of Death: Health Innovation, Human Capital Investment, and Institutions. UNSPECIFIED. University of Essex, United Kingdom.

Bhalotra, SR and Karlsson, M and Nilsson, T (2017) Infant Health and Longevity: Evidence from a Historical Trial in Sweden. Journal of the European Economic Association, 15 (5). pp. 1101-1157. DOI https://doi.org/10.1093/jeea/jvw028

Bhalotra, Sonia R and van Soest, Arthur Birth Spacing, Fertility and Neonatal Mortality in India: Dynamics, Frailty and Fecundity. [["eprint_typename_scholarly-edition" not defined]]

Bryan, ML and Del Bono, E and Pudney, S (2015) Licensing and regulation of the cannabis market in England and Wales. International Journal of Drug Policy.

Buss, Bec (2024) Children in Charge? How might IROs navigate the demands of the professional role to improve agency for young people in care planning? A participatory study. Other thesis, University of Essex & Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.


Campaniello, N and Gavrilova, E (2017) Uncovering the Gender Participation Gap in Crime. Working Paper. University of Essex, Department of Economics, Economics Discussion Papers, Colchester. (Unpublished)

Carrabine, E (2015) Contemporary criminology and the sociological imagination. In: C. Wright Mills and the Criminological Imagination Prospects for Creative Inquiry. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., pp. 73-98. ISBN 9781472414748.

Carrabine, E (2016) Liquid Criminology. In: Liquid Criminology: Doing Imaginative Criminological Research. Routledge, pp. 121-139. ISBN 9781472455239. Official URL: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315592503

Comas-Herrera, A and John Knapp, MR and Wittenberg, R and Banerjee, S and Bowling, A and Grundy, E and Jagger, C and Farina, N and Lombard, D and Lorenz, K and McDaid, D (2017) MODEM: a comprehensive approach to modelling outcome and costs impacts of interventions for dementia. Protocol paper. BMC Health Services Research, 17 (7S_Par). pp. 1-8. DOI https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-016-1945-x

Connor, Marc S (2017) Continuity of care for substance misusing prisoners released to a local community drug treatment system: A quantitative analysis of the systems approach. PhD thesis, University of Essex.

Copestake, J and Bhalotra, S and Johnson, S (2001) Assessing the Impact of Microcredit: A Zambian Case Study. The Journal of Development Studies, 37 (4). pp. 81-100. DOI https://doi.org/10.1080/00220380412331322051


Diaz, Yadira (2016) Multidimensional and Persistent Poverty: Methodological Approaches to Measurement Issues. PhD thesis, University of Essex.


El Issawi, F (2012) Tunisian media in transition. Technical Report. The Carnegie Papers, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and POLIS, London School of Economics and Political Science, London.


Fikkers, KM and Piotrowski, JT and Lugtig, PJ and Valkenburg, PM (2015) The Role of Perceived Peer Norms in the Relationship Between Media Violence Exposure and Adolescents' Aggression. Media Psychology.

Flanders, Anthea (2022) Exploring mainstream secondary school leaderships’ views and practices on the inclusion and permanent exclusion of students with social, emotional and mental health needs: a tension between performative pressures and inclusive practice. Other thesis, University of Essex & Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

Frealand, Nicholas (2022) “How have child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapists experienced and understood the role of social identity in training, and how might this relate to their practice?”. Other thesis, University of Essex & Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

Freyenhagen, F (2012) Conceptions of Critique in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy. In: Conceptions of Critique in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 175-192. ISBN 9781349318971. Official URL: https://doi.org/10.1057/9780230357006

Fussey, Pete (2013) Contested topologies of UK counterterrorist surveillance: the rise and fall of Project Champion. Critical Studies on Terrorism, 6 (3). pp. 351-370. DOI https://doi.org/10.1080/17539153.2013.823757


Gavrilova, E and Campaniello, N (2015) Uncovering the Gender Participation Gap in the Crime Market. Working Paper. IZA Discussion Papers 8982. (Unpublished)

Giotta, Adriana (2021) Clinical, cultural and personal dimensions of fashion modelling as a basis for phenomenological and depth psychological exploration of femininity in Western societies. PhD thesis, University of Essex.

Glynos, Jason and Voutyras, Savvas (2016) Ideology as blocked mourning: Greek national identity in times of economic crisis and austerity. Journal of Political Ideologies, 21 (3). pp. 201-224. DOI https://doi.org/10.1080/13569317.2016.1207300

Goffey, A and Pettinger, L and Speed, E (2014) Implausible promises: the information revolution in the NHS. Soundings: A journal of politics and culture, 57 (57). pp. 106-117. DOI https://doi.org/10.3898/136266214813474589

Goffey, Andrew and Pettinger, Lynne and Speed, Ewen (2014) Politics, Policy and Privatisation in the Everyday Experience of Big Data in the NHS. Studies in Qualitative Methodology, 13. pp. 31-50. DOI https://doi.org/10.1108/s1042-319220140000013003


Hobbs, D (2013) Lush Life: Constructing Organized Crime in the UK. Clarendon Studies in Criminology . Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780199668281.

Howard, Jeffrey (2013) Punishment, Socially Deprived Offenders, and Democratic Community. Criminal Law and Philosophy, 7 (1). pp. 121-136. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11572-012-9179-4


Jordan, Hia (2023) Brown Girl in the Ring: What are the Experiences of Senior Female Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic Leaders in Social Work Today? Doctoral thesis, University of Essex & Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.


Komodromou, Maria Elena (2017) Women Employment and Health. PhD thesis, University of Essex.


Lavorgna, A and Sergi, A (2014) Different manifestations of organised crime and corruption in Italy: a socio-legal analysis. In: Corruption, Greed and Crime Money: Sleaze and shady economy in Europe and beyond. Wolf Legal Publishers. ISBN 978-9462401280.

Lindeman, Sari K (2022) Stories from family life: living with problematic substance use and recovery in Norway. Other thesis, University of Essex.


Manning, Katherine E. (2022) Investigation of biases in decision making concerning young mothers by health and social care professionals. Other thesis, University of Essex.

Mastrobuoni, Giovanni (2015) The Value of Connections: Evidence from the Italian‐American Mafia. The Economic Journal, 125 (586). F256-F288. DOI https://doi.org/10.1111/ecoj.12234

Mastrobuoni, Giovanni and Pinotti, Paolo (2015) Legal Status and the Criminal Activity of Immigrants. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 7 (2). pp. 175-206. DOI https://doi.org/10.1257/app.20140039

Mastrobuoni, Giovanni and Rivers, David A (2019) Optimizing Criminal Behaviour and the Disutility of Prison. The Economic Journal, 129 (619). pp. 1364-1399. DOI https://doi.org/10.1111/ecoj.12602

Mej�as, FM and Ben�tez, IB and Davison, C and Green, G (2013) Youth Justice and Education: A Typology of Educational Approaches to the Resocialisation of Young Offenders in Spain. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2. pp. 438-452.


Nemeth, Krisztina (2022) A qualitative study of the transition from unemployment and benefits to working whilst carrying the label of depression in England. Other thesis, University of Essex.


Pearson, Melanie (2020) Between legality and empathy : an examination of the coroner’s inquest and its impact on the emotions of those bereaved by road death. PhD thesis, University of Essex.


Raj, Shehzad D (2018) Ambivalence and penetration of boundaries in the worship of Dionysos: Analysing the enacting of psychical conflicts in religious ritual and myth, with reference to societal structure. PhD thesis, University of Essex.


Sergi, Anna (2014) Organised Crime in Criminal Law: Conspiracy and Membership Offences in Italian, English and International Frameworks. King's Law Journal, 25 (2). pp. 185-200. DOI https://doi.org/10.5235/09615768.25.2.185

Slasberg, Colin and Watson, Nick and Beresford, Peter and Schofield, Peter (2014) Personalization of health care in England: have the wrong lessons been drawn from the personal health budget pilots? Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 19 (3). pp. 183-188. DOI https://doi.org/10.1177/1355819614527577

South, Nigel (2016) Green Criminology and Brown Crime: Despoliation, Disposal and De-manufacturing in Global Resource Industries. In: Hazardous Waste and Pollution. Springer International Publishing, pp. 11-25. ISBN 9783319180809. Official URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-18081-6_2


Thiel, D (2013) Double Injustice, Double Trauma: The effects of acquittal of offenders upon the families of victims of homicide. UNSPECIFIED. Justice After Acquittal.


Violett, Alice (2018) The Public Perceptions and Personal Experiences of Only Children Growing Up in Britain, c. 1850-1950. PhD thesis, University of Essex.


Winter, H and Moncrieff, J and Speed, E (2015) 'Because You're Worth It': A discourse analysis of the gendered rhetoric of the ADHD woman, Qualitative Research in Psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 12 (4). pp. 415-434. DOI https://doi.org/10.1080/14780887.2015.1050748

Wood, Matthew and Shukla, Paurav (2016) Weight bias, health consciousness and behavioral actions (activities). Eating Behaviors, 23. pp. 200-205. DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eatbeh.2016.10.005


Yousuf, Rafia (2024) The Voices of Looked After Children: Care Leavers Reflect on their Experiences of Placement Transitions. Doctoral thesis, University of Essex & Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.


Zaefarian, Reza and Tasavori, Misagh and Ghauri, Pervez N (2015) A Corporate Social Entrepreneurship Approach to Market-Based Poverty Reduction. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 51 (2). pp. 320-334. DOI https://doi.org/10.1080/1540496x.2015.1021606

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