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Bahun, S and Finburgh, C and Littau, K (2014) Guest Editors' Introduction to Comparative Critical Studies (special issue: Migration). Comparative Critical Studies, 11 (2-3). pp. 145-160. DOI https://doi.org/10.3366/ccs.2014.0121

Geiger, J (2008) Taking Aim: New Documentary and War. Zeitschrift fur Anglistik und Amerikanistik (ZAA), 56 (2). pp. 153-173.

Geiger, Jeffrey and Littau, Karin (2009) Guest Editors' Introduction to Comparative Critical Studies (special issue: Cinematicity). Comparative Critical Studies, 6 (3). pp. 287-295. DOI https://doi.org/10.3366/E1744185409000792

Haidarali, Laila Soraya (2012) Browning the Dark Princess: Asian Indian Embodiment of "New Negro Womanhood". Journal of American Ethnic History, 32 (1). pp. 24-69. DOI https://doi.org/10.5406/jamerethnhist.32.1.0024

Kuti, E (2008) Tragic Plots from Bootle to Baghdad. Contemporary Theatre Review, 18 (4). pp. 457-469. DOI https://doi.org/10.1080/10486800802379599

Littau, K (2012) The Dog and the Phonograph: Possible Futures in the Self-Development of Media. Comparative Critical Studies (e-CCS Online Supplement), 9 (3). pp. 41-56. DOI https://doi.org/10.3366/ccs.2012.0078

Littau, K (1997) Translation in the Age of Postmodern Production: From Text to Intertext to Hypertext. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 33 (1). pp. 81-96. DOI https://doi.org/10.1093/fmls/XXXIII.1.81

Littau, K (2016) Translation's Histories and Digital Futures. International Journal of Communication, 10. pp. 907-928.

Littau, K (2011) An archaeology of affect: Reading, history and gender. Primerjalna Knjizevnost, 34 (2). pp. 193-203.

Littau, Karin (2015) "In the Beginning"... an Intermedial Babel. SubStance: A Review of Theory and Literary Criticism, 44.3 (138). pp. 112-127. DOI https://doi.org/10.3368/ss.44.3.112

Littau, Karin (2000) Pandora's Tongues. TTR: Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction: Etudes sur le Texte et Ses Transformations, 13 (1). pp. 21-35. DOI https://doi.org/10.7202/037391ar

Littau, Karin (1993) Performing Translation. Theatre Research International, 18 (1). pp. 53-60. DOI https://doi.org/10.1017/s0307883300017570

Littau, Karin (2005) Serial Translation: Angela Carter's New Reading of Pabst's Wedekind's Lulu. Comparative Critical Studies, 2 (1). pp. 45-65. DOI https://doi.org/10.3366/ccs.2005.2.1.45

Littau, Karin (2009) <i>Summa Phantasmagoria</i>. Comparative Critical Studies, 6 (3). pp. 403-409. DOI https://doi.org/10.3366/e1744185409000871

Mazzilli, Mary (2015) Gender in Gao Xingjian's Between Life and Death: The Notion of Originary Self and the Use of Tripartition. Frontiers of Literary Studies in China, 9 (3). pp. 369-394. DOI https://doi.org/10.3868/s010-004-015-0018-2

Oliver, S (2008) Crossing "Dark Barriers": Intertextuality and dialogue between Lord Byron and Sir Walter Scott. Studies in Romanticism, 47 (1). pp. 15-34.

Oliver, S (2016) Review essay: Anthony Howe. Byron and the Forms of Thought (Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2013) and Carla Pomare. Byron and the Discourse of History (Farnham and Burlington: Ashgate, 2013). European Romantic Review, 27 (1). pp. 96-101. DOI https://doi.org/10.1080/10509585.2015.1124534

Oliver, Susan (2009) Romantic 'Dantism,' Travel, Visions and Exile: Byron, Ugo Foscolo and Henry Francis Cary. Journal of Anglo-Italian Studies, 10. pp. 1-16.

Book Section

Chaudhuri, Shohini (2017) Nine cinematic devices for staging (in)visible war and the (vanishing) colonial present. In: Disappearing War Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Cinema and Erasure in the Post-9/11 World. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474416566. Official URL: https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-disappea...

Gillies, J (2010) The Author's Accomplice, or the unsearchable complicities of players in the making of Elizabethan Drama. In: The Shakespearean International Yearbook: Special Section: The Achievement of Robert Weimann. Ashgate, pp. 119-141. ISBN 9781409408581.

Gillies, J (2010) "Mighty Space": The Ordinate and the Exorbitant in two Shakespeare Plays. In: Questioning Bodies in Shakespeare's Rome. Interfacing Science, Literature, and the Humanities . Unipress, Goettingen, pp. 259-274. ISBN 9783899717402.

Glynos, J (2013) Capitalism and the Act: From Content to Form and Back Again. In: Lacan, Discourse, Event: New Psychoanalytic Approaches to Textual Indeterminacy. Routledge, London, pp. 150-161. ISBN 978-0-415-52162-8. Official URL: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315884295

Littau, K (2002) Eye-Hunger: Physical Pleasure and Non-Narrative Cinema. In: Crash Cultures: modernity mediation and the material. Intellect Books / University of Chicago Press, Bristol, pp. 35-51. ISBN 1-84150-071-2. Official URL: http://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/distribut...

Littau, K (1993) Intertextuality and Translation: T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land in French and German. In: Translation - The Vital Link. Proceedings of the XIII World Congress of the International Federation of Translators, Vol. I. Chameleon Press, London, pp. 63-69. ISBN 9780952205623.

Littau, K and Kuhiwczak, P (2007) Introduction. In: A Companion to Translation Studies. Topics in Translation, 9 . Multilingual Matters, Clevedon, pp. 1-12. ISBN 978-1-85359-956-9. Official URL: https://doi.org/10.1037/a0038834

Littau, Karin (1996) Incommunication: Derrida in Translation. In: Applying: To Derrida. Macmillan, London, pp. 107-123. ISBN 9780333656624. Official URL: https://www.palgrave.com/gb/book/9780333656624

Littau, Karin (2018) Two Ages of World Literature. In: Translation and World Literature. New Perspectives in Translation and Interpreting Studies . Routledge, London and New York, pp. 159-174. ISBN 9781138641754. Official URL: https://www.routledge.com/Translation-and-World-Li...

Mazzilli, M (2015) Desiring the Bodies of Ruan Lingyu and Linda Lin Dai. In: Transnational Chinese Cinemas: Embodiment, Corporeality, Desire and the ethics of failure. Bridge21 Publications, Los Angeles. ISBN 978-1626430105.

Oliver, Susan (2010) Ecologies of Disaffection: Interpreting Wastelands in Charles Brockden Brown's <i>Edgar Huntly</i> and Walter Scott's <i>The Bride of Lammermoor</i>. In: An Interpretive Turn: Essays on Cultural Expressions of Art and Literature. Bookman Books, Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 23-40. ISBN 9789574453429.

Pester, H (2016) The Body and the Page in Poetry Readings as Remembrance of Composition. In: Memory in the Twenty-First Century: New Critical Perspectives from the Arts, Humanities, and Sciences. Springer, pp. 271-275. ISBN 978-1-349-56642-6. Official URL: https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137520586_32


Cant, John, ed. (2008) The Cormac McCarthy Journal Volume 6, Special Issue on The Road. Cormac McCarthy Society. Official URL: http://journals.tdl.org/cormacmccarthy/article/vie...

Bailey, M and Clarke, B and Walton, JK (2011) Understanding Richard Hoggart: A Pedagogy of Hope. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. ISBN 9781405193023.

Cant, John (2008) Cormac McCarthy and the myth of American exceptionalism. Studies in major literary authors . Routledge. ISBN 9780415981422. Official URL: http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=JMllAAAAMAAJ

Fumagalli, MC (2009) Caribbean perspectives on modernity: Returning Medusa's gaze. New World Studies . University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville, VA, p. 198. ISBN 9780813928586.

Gray, R (2007) A web of words: the great dialogue of Southern literature. Mercer University Lamar memorial lectures, 50 . University of Georgia Press. ISBN 9780820330051.

Littau, K (2008) Teorías de la lectura Libros, cuerpos y bibliomanía. Ediciones Manantial. ISBN 9789875001237. Official URL: http://www.emanantial.com.ar/editorial/libros/deta...

Littau, K (2006) Theories of reading: books, bodies, and bibliomania. Polity Press, Cambridge, England, p. 194. ISBN 9780745616599.

Livingstone, A (2008) The marsh of gold: Pasternak's writings on inspiration and creation. Studies in Russian and Slavic literatures, cultures and history . Academic Studies Press. ISBN 9781934843239.

Mazzilli, M and Bergen-Aurand, B and Wai-Siam, H (2015) Transnational Chinese Cinemas: Embodiment, Corporeality, Desire and the ethics of failure. Bridge21 Publications, Los Angeles. ISBN 978-1626430105.

Mazzilli, Mary (2015) Gao Xingjian's Post-Exile Plays: Transnationalism and Postdramatic Theatre. Methuen Drama, London, England. ISBN 9781472591609. Official URL: https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/gao-xingjians-post-e...

Terry, P (2011) Shakespeare's Sonnets. Carcanet Press Ltd. ISBN 9781847770721.


Al Shalabi, Rasha (2017) Mapping the Dominican-American Experience: Narratives by Julía Alvarez, Junot Díaz, Loida Maritza Pérez and Angie Cruz. PhD thesis, University of Essex.

Ang, Yit Ho Joshua (2022) To the ends of the earth: Post-Anthropocene cosmopolitanism in the novels of Kazuo Ishiguro, Margaret Atwood, and David Mitchell. PhD thesis, University of Essex.

Becker, Mona (2019) Flieder, 1945 / Lilac, 2015 : visibility, memory, gender : writing and re-imagining National Socialist atrocity for the stage. PhD thesis, University of Essex.

Ciofu, Natalia (2018) Internal Punishment: A Psychoanalytical Reading of F. M. Dostoevskyʼs Crime and Punishment (1866), L. Rebreanuʼs Ciuleandra (1927) and P. Ackroydʼs Hawksmoor (1985). PhD thesis, University of Essex.

Gilmour, Catriona (2023) Forecasting the Past and Recalling the Future: Lemniscate Narratives in the Work of Richard Powers. Doctoral thesis, University of Essex.

Kan, Tabitha G (2016) Renderings of the Abyss: some changing nineteenth-century literary perceptions of the animal / human divide. PhD thesis, University of Essex.

Kuhn, Brittany (2019) Gaming and Literature: Virtual Game Immersion in Contemporary Print Text. PhD thesis, University of Essex.

Lewis, Dennis L M (2016) Speech, Voice and Parable: Reading and Writing through Auden (Letters to Auden, a Reading of His Poems, and a Serial Poem of Barack Hussein Obama). PhD thesis, University of Essex.

Lewis, William R (2017) Reframing Strategic Inertia: The Politics of Innovation and the Case of GM Biotechnology. PhD thesis, University of Essex.

Midhin, Majeed Mohammed (2017) The Artist as a Dramatic Character in Contemporary British Drama: A Critical Study of Stoppard, Barker and Wertenbaker. PhD thesis, University of Essex.

Mitsigkas, Neophytos (2016) Using Novels in English Language Teaching in Cyprus. PhD thesis, University of Essex.

Onyeisi, Rene (2020) Criminal Justice in British Playwriting and Theatre Practice, 1979-2017. PhD thesis, University of Essex.

Saggers, Emma Louise (2016) Carnivalesque Inversion: The Subversive Fiction of Kurt Vonnegut. PhD thesis, University of Essex.

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