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Impacts of Warming on the Structure and Functioning of Aquatic Communities

O'Gorman, Eoin J and Pichler, Doris E and Adams, Georgina and Benstead, Jonathan P and Cohen, Haley and Craig, Nicola and Cross, Wyatt F and Demars, Benoît OL and Friberg, Nikolai and Gíslason, Gísli Már and Gudmundsdóttir, Rakel and Hawczak, Adrianna and Hood, James M and Hudson, Lawrence N and Johansson, Liselotte and Johansson, Magnus P and Junker, James R and Laurila, Anssi and Manson, J Russell and Mavromati, Efpraxia and Nelson, Daniel and Ólafsson, Jón S and Perkins, Daniel M and Petchey, Owen L and Plebani, Marco and Reuman, Daniel C and Rall, Björn C and Stewart, Rebecca and Thompson, Murray SA and Woodward, Guy (2012) Impacts of Warming on the Structure and Functioning of Aquatic Communities. In: Global Change in Multispecies Systems Part 2. Advances in Ecological Research, 47 . Elsevier, pp. 81-176. ISBN 978-0-12-398315-2. Official URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-398315-2.00002-8


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