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Enhancing Pragmatic Language skills for Young children with Social communication difficulties (E-PLAYS-2) trial: study protocol for a cluster-randomised controlled trial evaluating a computerised intervention to promote communicative development and collaborative skills in young children

Murphy, Suzanne and Bell, Kerry and Cook, Erica Jane and Crafter, Sarah and Davidson, Rosemary and Fairhurst, Caroline and Hicks, Kate and Joffe, Victoria and Messer, David and Robinson-Smith, Lyn and Strachan, Luke and Torgerson, David and Welch, Charlie (2024) Enhancing Pragmatic Language skills for Young children with Social communication difficulties (E-PLAYS-2) trial: study protocol for a cluster-randomised controlled trial evaluating a computerised intervention to promote communicative development and collaborative skills in young children. BMC Psychology, 12 (1). 266-. DOI https://doi.org/10.1186/s40359-024-01749-y


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