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On the control of a robot hand by extracting neural signals from the PNS: Preliminary results from a human implantation

Micera, S and Rigosa, J and Carpaneto, J and Citi, L and Raspopovic, S and Guglielmelli, E and Benvenuto, A and Rossini, L and Di Pino, G and Cavallo, G and Carrozza, MC and Cipriani, C and Hoffmann, KP and Dario, P and Rossini, PM (2009) On the control of a robot hand by extracting neural signals from the PNS: Preliminary results from a human implantation. 2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2009. pp. 4586-4589. DOI https://doi.org/10.1109/iembs.2009.5332764


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