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Discovery and replication of SNP-SNP interactions for quantitative lipid traits in over 60,000 individuals

Holzinger, ER and Verma, SS and Moore, CB and Hall, M and De, R and Gilbert-Diamond, D and Lanktree, MB and Pankratz, N and Amuzu, A and Burt, A and Dale, C and Dudek, S and Furlong, CE and Gaunt, TR and Kim, DS and Riess, H and Sivapalaratnam, S and Tragante, V and van Iperen, EPA and Brautbar, A and Carrell, DS and Crosslin, DR and Jarvik, GP and Kuivaniemi, H and Kullo, IJ and Larson, EB and Rasmussen-Torvik, LJ and Tromp, G and Baumert, J and Cruickshanks, KJ and Farrall, M and Hingorani, AD and Hovingh, GK and Kleber, ME and Klein, BE and Klein, R and Koenig, W and Lange, LA and M?rz, W and North, KE and Charlotte Onland-Moret, N and Reiner, AP and Talmud, PJ and van der Schouw, YT and Wilson, JG and Kivimaki, M and Kumari, M and Moore, JH and Drenos, F and Asselbergs, FW and Keating, BJ and Ritchie, MD (2017) Discovery and replication of SNP-SNP interactions for quantitative lipid traits in over 60,000 individuals. BioData Mining, 10 (25). 25-. DOI https://doi.org/10.1186/s13040-017-0145-5


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