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- H Social Sciences (General) (1953)
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A. Tucker, Danielle and Hendy, Jane and Barlow, James (2014) When infrastructure transition and work practice redesign collide. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 27 (6). pp. 955-972. DOI
Aassve, Arnstein and Davia, Maria A and Iacovou, Maria and Mazzuco, Stefano (2007) Does Leaving Home Make You Poor? Evidence from 13 European Countries. European Journal of Population / Revue européenne de Démographie, 23 (3-4). pp. 315-338. DOI
Aassve, Arnstein and Iacovou, Maria and Mencarini, Letizia (2006) Youth poverty and transition to adulthood in Europe. Demographic Research, 15 (2). pp. 21-50. DOI
Abas Azmi, Khairul Saidah (2016) Public procurement fraud in Malaysia: A political economy approach. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Abdullah, Nour (2024) The impact of entrepreneurial mindset on the family business performance. Doctoral thesis, University of Essex.
Abell, Jessica G and Stalder, Tobias and Ferrie, Jane E and Shipley, Martin J and Kirschbaum, Clemens and KivimÀki, Mika and Kumari, Meena (2016) Assessing cortisol from hair samples in a large observational cohort: The Whitehall II study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 73. pp. 148-156. DOI
Abolghasem Shirazi, Afarin (2024) Healthcare Workersâ Perspectives on Working during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Moral Injury, Mental Health Difficulties, and Organisational Influence. Doctoral thesis, University of Essex.
Aboud, Nihad (2024) Locally grown, globally connected: armed group affiliation with the Islamic State and al-Qaeda. Doctoral thesis, University of Essex.
Abras, Ahmad (2018) Competing Institutional Logics in Islamic Financial Reporting Standardisation: A Comparative Study. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Acevedo, Beatriz and Warren, Samantha and WrayâBliss, Edward (2009) The devil in high heels: drugs, symbolism and Kate Moss. Culture and Organization, 15 (3-4). pp. 331-345. DOI
Ackrill, R and Dobrinsky, R and Markov, N and Pudney, S (2002) Social security, poverty and economic transition: an analysis for Bulgaria 1992-96. Economics of Planning, 35 (1). pp. 19-46.
Acs, Zoltan, J and Szerb, Laszlo and Jackson, Scott (2013) Entrepreneurship in Africa through the Eyes of GEDI. Working Paper. CER Series on entrepreneurship and innovation, Colchester.
Adamson, M and Johansson, M (2016) Compositions of professionalism in counselling work: An embodied and embedded intersectionality framework. Human Relations, 69 (12). pp. 2201-2223. DOI
Addison, Ann (2016) A Study of Transference Phenomena in the Light of Jung's Psychoid Concept. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Adebanjo, Grace N (2024) Corporate social responsibility and climate change: the case of oil and gas industry of Nigeria. Doctoral thesis, University of Essex.
Adebola-Akande, Tosin (2023) Corporate Political Activities and Firm Legitimacy in Institutionally Challenging Context. Doctoral thesis, University of Essex.
Adhikari, Pawan and Jayasinghe, Kelum (2017) âAgents-in-focusâ and âAgents-in-contextâ: The strong structuration analysis of central government accounting practices and reforms in Nepal. Accounting Forum, 41 (2). pp. 96-115. DOI
Afrahi, Bahare (2019) Disengagement and Entrepreneurial Exit. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Agalioti Sgompou, Vasiliki Maria (2021) Experimental studies on questionnaire design in political surveys. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Ahmad, Anis Suriati (2016) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in a Developing Country: An Analysis of Public-listed Corporations in Malaysia. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Ahmed, Alaaeldin (2023) Pension Accounting and Disclosure Reforms: Determinants and Consequences. Doctoral thesis, University of Essex.
Ahtiainen, Heini and Artell, Janne and Czajkowski, MikoĆaj and Hasler, Berit and Hasselström, Linus and HyytiĂ€inen, Kari and Meyerhoff, JĂŒrgen and Smart, James CR and Söderqvist, Tore and Zimmer, Katrin and Khaleeva, Julia and Rastrigina, Olga and Tuhkanen, Heidi (2013) Public preferences regarding use and condition of the Baltic SeaâAn international comparison informing marine policy. Marine Policy, 42 (C). pp. 20-30. DOI
Akresh, Richard and Bhalotra, Sonia R and Leone, Marinella and Osili, Una O War and Stature: Growing Up During the Nigerian Civil War. [["eprint_typename_scholarly-edition" not defined]]
Al Baghal, T (2019) The Effect of Online and Mixed-Mode Measurement of Cognitive Ability. Social Science Computer Review, 37 (1). pp. 89-103. DOI
Al Baghal, T (2017) Last Year Your Answer Was ...: The Impact of Dependent Interviewing Wording and Survey Factors on Reporting of Change. Field Methods, 29 (1). pp. 61-78. DOI
Al Baghal, T (2014) Numeric Estimation and Response Options: An Examination of the Accuracy of Numeric and Vague Quantifier Responses. Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences, 5 (2). pp. 58-75.
Al Baghal, T (2015) Obtaining data linkage consent for children: factors influencing outcomes and potential biases. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 19 (6). pp. 623-643. DOI
Al Baghal, T (2019) Usage and impact metrics for Parliamentary libraries. IFLA Journal, 45 (2). 034003521882139-034003521882139. DOI
Al Baghal, T and Belli, RF and Phillips, AL and Ruther, N (2014) What Are You Doing Now? Activity-Level Responses and Recall Failures in the American Time Use Survey. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 2 (4). pp. 519-537. DOI
Al Baghal, T and Kelley, J (2016) The Stability of Mode Preferences: Implications for Tailoring in Longitudinal Surveys. methods, data, analyses, 10 (2). pp. 143-166. DOI
Al Baghal, T and Sloan, L and Jessop, C and Williams, M and Burnap, P (2020) Linking Twitter and Survey Data: The Impact of Survey Mode and Demographics on Consent Rates Across Three UK Studies. Social Science Computer Review, 38 (5). pp. 517-532. DOI
Al Baghal, Tarek (2014) Is Vague Valid? The Comparative Predictive Validity of Vague Quantifiers and Numeric Response Options. Survey Research Methods, 8 (3). pp. 169-179. DOI
Al Baghal, Tarek and Lynn, Peter (2015) Using Motivational Statements in Web-Instrument Design to Reduce Item-Missing Rates in a Mixed-Mode Context. Public Opinion Quarterly, 79 (2). pp. 568-579. DOI
Al-Bohnayyah, Moayyad (2019) Dialect Variation and Change in Eastern Arabia: Al-Ahsa Dialect. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Alan, Sule and Ertac, Seda and Mumcu, Ipek (2018) Gender Stereotypes in the Classroom and Effects on Achievement. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 100 (5). pp. 876-890. DOI
Alanazi, Sami (2018) The Acquisition of English stops by Saudi L2 Learners. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Albakjaji, Mohamad (2021) The Governance of Privacy in Online Transactions in US and EU Context: A Socio-Legal Analysis. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Albertazzi, Andrea (2021) Economic experiments on truth-telling, information aggregation, and income inequality. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Albrecht, Chad and Holland, Daniel and Malagueño, Ricardo and Dolan, Simon and Tzafrir, Shay (2015) The Role of Power in Financial Statement Fraud Schemes. Journal of Business Ethics, 131 (4). pp. 803-813. DOI
Alfotais, Ahmad (2019) Investigating the effect of spaced versus massed practice on vocabulary retention in the EFL classroom. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Algar, Brogan (2023) Perinatal mental health staff experiences of working with mothers diagnosed with emotionally unstable personality disorder. Doctoral thesis, University of Essex.
Alhujaylan, Hailah (2016) A computer-aided error analysis of Saudi studentsâ written English and an evaluation of the efficacy of using the data- driven learning approach to teach collocations and lexical phrases. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Alhumoudi, Hamad (2019) The Design and Use of Management Accounting and Control Systems in Saudi Arabian Family Businesses: A Weberian Perspective of Accounting. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Allen-Robertson, James (2013) Digital Culture Industry. Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 1-231. ISBN 9781349441501. Official URL:
Allum, N and Allansdottir, A and Gaskell, G and Hampel, J and Jackson, J and Moldovan, A and Priest, S and Stares, S and Stoneman, P (2017) Religion and the Public Ethics of Stem-cell Research: Attitudes in Europe, Canada and the United States. PLoS ONE, 12 (4). e0176274-e0176274. DOI
Allum, N and Arber, S (2008) Secondary Analysis of Survey Data. In: Researching Social Life (Third Edition). Sage, London. ISBN 9781412946612.
Allum, N and Sturgis, P and Read, S (2010) Evaluating Change in Social and Political Trust in Europe. In: Methods for Cross-Cultural Analysis: Basic Strategies and Applications. European Association of Methodology Series . Taylor & Francis, pp. 35-53. ISBN 9781848728226. Official URL:
Allum, Nick (2011) What Makes Some People Think Astrology Is Scientific? Science Communication, 33 (3). pp. 341-366. DOI
Allum, Nick and Conrad, Frederick and Wenz, Alexander (2018) Consequences of mid-stream mode-switching in a panel survey. Survey Research Methods, 12 (1). pp. 43-58. DOI
Allum, Nick and Patulny, Roger and Read, Sanna and Sturgis, Patrick (2010) Re-evaluating the links between social trust, institutional trust and civic association. In: Spatial and social disparities. Springer Netherlands, pp. 199-215. ISBN 9789048187492.
Almahmoud, Nouha (2016) Time as Transition: Experiences of Time, Culture and Immigration amongst Syrian Women in the UK. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Almusaad, Nada S (2021) Understanding the factors that influence the IFRS adoption and translation from a Strong Structuration Theory perspective. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Almutairi, Ahmad (2019) The role of political connections in corporations: The case of a monarchical system. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Alqahtani, Khairiah (2015) A sociolinguistic study of the Tihami Qahtani dialect in Asir, Southern Arabia. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Alsayegh, Maha (2016) An investigation of Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting Practices in Saudi Arabian Firms. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Amin, V and Böckerman, P and Viinikainen, J and Smart, MC and Bao, Y and Kumari, M and PitkÀnen, N and LehtimÀki, T and Raitakari, O and Pehkonen, J (2017) Gene-environment interactions between education and body mass: Evidence from the UK and Finland. Social Science and Medicine, 195. pp. 12-16. DOI
Anderson, B and Brynin, M and Gershuny, J and Raban, Y (2007) Information and Communication Technologies in Society. Routledge. ISBN 0415383846.
Anderson, B and Böhmelt, T and Ward, H (2017) Public opinion and environmental policy output: a cross-national analysis of energy policies in Europe. Environmental Research Letters, 12 (11). p. 114011. DOI
Anderson, B and De Agostini, P and Laidoudi, S and Weston, A and Zong, P (2009) Time and Money in Space: Estimating Household Expenditure and Time Use at the Small Area Level in Great Britain. In: New frontiers in microsimulation modelling. Public Policy and Social Welfare . Ashgate, Aldershot. ISBN 9780754676478.
Anderson, Ben (2011) Home OnLine Survey Call Record Documentation (v2.2). Working Paper. Centre for Research in Economic Sociology and Innovation (CRESI) Working Paper 2011-01, University of Essex, Colchester, UK.
Anderson, Ben (2008) THE SOCIAL IMPACT OF BROADBAND HOUSEHOLD INTERNET ACCESS. Information, Communication & Society, 11 (1). pp. 5-24. DOI
Anderson, Ben (2009) Welsh Small Area Estimates of Income Deprivation. Working Paper. Centre for Research in Economic Sociology and Innovation (CRESI) Working Paper 2009-04, University of Essex, Colchester, UK.
Anderson, Ben and De Agostini, Paola and Lawson, Tony (2014) Estimating the small area effects of austerity measures in the UK. In: Current Developments in Microsimulation and Policy Design. Ashgate, London. ISBN 978-1-4094-6932-2. Official URL: (In Press)
Anderson, Chingun (2017) Essays on Institutions, Ethnic Divisions and Poverty. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Andrayas, Alexandria (2022) Epigenetic biomarkers of smoking, inflammation, and social differences. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Angulo, Roberto and DĂaz, Yadira and Pardo, Renata (2016) The Colombian Multidimensional Poverty Index: Measuring Poverty in a Public Policy Context. Social Indicators Research, 127 (1). pp. 1-38. DOI
Anikin, Vasiliy (2018) Skills training and development: Russia in comparative perspective. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Anslow, James A (2016) The tabloid Trickster: a post-Jungian evaluation of early 21st century popular British newspaper journalism characterised by that of The Sun. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Antoniou, A and Sinha, G (2012) Laundering Sexual Deviance: Targeting Online Pornography through Anti-money Laundering. European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC), 2012, 1412. pp. 91-98. DOI
Antonopoulos, GA and Hobbs, D and Hornsby, R (2011) A Soundtrack to (illegal) Entrepreneurship: Pirated CD/DVD Selling in a Greek Provincial City. British Journal of Criminology, 51 (5). pp. 804-822. DOI
Antonopoulos, GA and Mitra, J (2009) The hidden enterprise of bootlegging cigarettes out of Greece: Two schemes of illegal entrepreneurship. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 22 (2). pp. 1-8. DOI
Apesteguia, Jose and Huck, Steffen and Oechssler, Jörg and Weidenholzer, Elke and Weidenholzer, Simon (2018) Imitation of Peers in Children and Adults. Games, 9 (1). p. 11. DOI
Armstrong, G and Hobbs, D and Lindsay, I (2011) Calling the Shots: The Pre-2012 London Olympic Contest. Urban Studies, 48 (15). pp. 3169-3184. DOI
Arranz, N and Fernandez De Arroyabe, JC (2016) La cooperación en proyectos tecnológicos, ¿qué queda por hacer? Una aproximación desde el enfoque estratégico. Papeles de Economia Espanola, 4 (150). pp. 88-113.
Arranz, N and Ubierna, F and Arroyabe, MF and Perez, C and Fernandez De Arroyabe, JC (2016) The effect of tourism education on students? entrepreneurial vocation. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 17 (3). pp. 312-330. DOI
Arslan, Sinem (2018) Transnational Dynamics of Civil War Peace Processes. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Arulampalam, W and Bhalotra, S (2008) The linked survival prospects of siblings: Evidence for the Indian states. Population Studies, 62 (2). pp. 171-190. DOI
Arulampalam, Wiji and Bhalotra, Sonia R Sibling Death Clustering in India: State Dependence vs. Unobserved Heterogeneity. [["eprint_typename_scholarly-edition" not defined]]
Aryal, Sanjaya (2024) Mobility of care: gendered migration and care inequalities among Nepali care workers in the UK. Doctoral thesis, University of Essex.
Asztalos, Lilla VĂ©nusz (2023) An exploration of the relationship between ineffective modes of mentalization and difficulties related to borderline personality disorder: A network approach. Doctoral thesis, University of Essex. DOI
Atkinson, A and Trinder, C and Maynard, A and Corlyon, J and Jenkins, SP and Sutherland, H (1993) Parents and Children: Incomes in Two Generations. Heinemann. ISBN 0435820974.
Atkinson, Tony and Bourguignon, François and OâDonoghue, Cathal and Sutherland, Holly and Utili, Francesca (2002) Microsimulation of Social Policy in the European Union: Case Study of a European Minimum Pension. Economica, 69 (274). pp. 229-243. DOI
Auspurg, K and Jackle, AE (2017) First Equals Most Important? Order Effects in Vignette-Based Measurement. Sociological Methods & Research, 46 (3). pp. 490-539. DOI
Avram, Silvia (2018) Who benefits from the âhidden welfare stateâ? The distributional effects of personal income tax expenditure in six countries. Journal of European Social Policy, 28 (3). pp. 271-293. DOI
Avram, Silvia and Brewer, Mike and Salvatori, Andrea (2018) Canât work or wonât work: quasi-experimental evidence on work search requirements for single parents. Labour Economics, 51. pp. 63-85. DOI
Avram, Silvia and Levy, Horacio and Sutherland, Holly (2014) Income redistribution in the European Union. IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 3 (1). DOI
Avram, Silvia and Militaru, Eva (2016) Interactions Between Policy Effects, Population Characteristics and the Tax-Benefit System: An Illustration Using Child Poverty and Child Related Policies in Romania and the Czech Republic. Social Indicators Research, 128 (3). pp. 1365-1385. DOI
Aydiner-Avsar, N and Elson, D (2011) Human Rights and Public Expenditure in USA. In: Economic Policy and Human Rights: Holding Governments to Account. Zed Books. ISBN 9781848138759.
Aydiner-Avsar, N and Elson, D (2011) Trade Policy and Human Rights Obligations of the USA: the Case of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). In: Economic Policy and Human Rights: Holding Governments to Account. Zed Books. ISBN 9781848138759.
Ayenuyo, F O (2020) Collective actions for poverty reduction in Nigeria and South Africa: Exploring the perspectives of elites and the poor. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
BARDASI, ELENA and TAYLOR, MARK (2008) Marriage and Wages: A Test of the Specialization Hypothesis. Economica, 75 (299). pp. 569-591. DOI
BERTHOUD, RICHARD and BLEKESAUNE, MORTEN and HANCOCK, RUTH (2009) Ageing, income and living standards: evidence from the British Household Panel Survey. Ageing and Society, 29 (7). pp. 1105-1122. DOI
Bademci, H Ăzden and Karadayı, E Figen and Pur Karabulut, Ä°pek GĂŒzide and Kurt, Zeynep and Warfa, Nasir (2017) Improving psychosocial well-being of child laborers and young people who are engaged in low-income economic activities in Istanbul, Turkey. Child & Youth Services, 38 (4). pp. 272-284. DOI
Bahun, S and RadunoviÄ, D (2012) Language, ideology, and the human: New interventions. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 1-250. ISBN 9781409428343.
Bailey, M (2008) The Angel in the Ether: Early Radio and the Constitution of the Household. In: Narrating Media History. Communication and Society . Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415419154.
Bailey, M (2011) The Assault on Universities: A Manifesto for Resistance. Pluto Press, London. ISBN 9780745331911.
Bailey, M (2010) Media, religion and culture: An interview with Michael Wakelin. Journal of Media Practice, 11 (2). pp. 185-189. DOI
Bailey, M (2008) Narrating Media History. Communication and Society . Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415419154.
Bailey, M (2012) A broadcasting university': educated citizenship and civil prudence. In: Governing Through Pedagogy Re-educating Citizens. Routledge, London, pp. 681-695. ISBN 9780415696210.
Bailey, M (2010) 'A broadcasting university': educated citizenship and civil prudence. Citizenship Studies, 14 (6). pp. 681-695. DOI
Bailey, M and Popple, S (2011) The 1984/85 Miners' Strike: re-claiming cultural heritage. In: Heritage, Labour and the Working Classes. Key Issues in Cultural Heritage . Routledge, London, pp. 19-33. ISBN 9780415618106. Official URL:
Bailey, Roy E and Hatton, Timothy J and Inwood, Kris (2016) Health, height, and the household at the turn of the twentieth century. UNSPECIFIED. Wiley.
Bakare, Blessing (2024) The relationship between racial trauma and mental health outcomes in young adulthood: A UK context. Other thesis, University of Essex.
Baker, E and Beer, A and Lester, L and Pevalin, DJ and Whitehead, C and Bentley, R (2017) Is Housing a Health Insult? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14 (6). creators-Pevalin=3ADavid_J=3A=3A. DOI
Balakrishnan, R and Elson, D (2008) Auditing Economic Policy in the Light of Obligations on Economic and Social Rights. Essex Human Rights Review, 5 (1).
Balakrishnan, R and Elson, D and Heintz, J (2011) Financial Regulation, Capabilities and Human Rights in the US Financial Crisis: The Case of Housing. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 12 (1). pp. 153-168. DOI
Balantani, Angeliki (2016) Structuring response: Information receipts in Greek talk-in-interaction. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Ballesteros Moyano, Andrés Enrique (2018) Military conversion in post-conflict countries: Determinants, impact, and a case study on policy implications for Colombia. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Balmer, John MT and Burghausen, Mario (2015) Explicating corporate heritage, corporate heritage brands and organisational heritage. Journal of Brand Management, 22 (5). pp. 364-384. DOI
Balmer, John MT and Burghausen, Mario (2015) Introducing organisational heritage: Linking corporate heritage, organisational identity and organisational memory. Journal of Brand Management, 22 (5). pp. 385-411. DOI
Banks, Randy and Laurie, Heather (2000) From Papi to Capi. In: UNSPECIFIED, ? - ?.
Bar Haim, Shaul (2017) The Liberal Playground: Susan Isaacs, Psychoanalysis and Progressive Education in the Interwar Era. History of the Human Sciences, 30 (1). pp. 94-117. DOI
Barban, Nicola and Jansen, Rick and de Vlaming, Ronald and Vaez, Ahmad and Mandemakers, Jornt J and Tropf, Felix C and Shen, Xia and Wilson, James F and Chasman, Daniel I and Nolte, Ilja M and Tragante, Vinicius and van der Laan, Sander W and Perry, John RB and Kong, Augustine and Ahluwalia, Tarunveer S and Albrecht, Eva and Yerges-Armstrong, Laura and Atzmon, Gil and Auro, Kirsi and Ayers, Kristin and Bakshi, Andrew and Ben-Avraham, Danny and Berger, Klaus and Bergman, Aviv and Bertram, Lars and Bielak, Lawrence F and Bjornsdottir, Gyda and Bonder, Marc Jan and Broer, Linda and Bui, Minh and Barbieri, Caterina and Cavadino, Alana and Chavarro, Jorge E and Turman, Constance and Concas, Maria Pina and Cordell, Heather J and Davies, Gail and Eibich, Peter and Eriksson, Nicholas and Esko, TÔnu and Eriksson, Joel and Falahi, Fahimeh and Felix, Janine F and Fontana, Mark Alan and Franke, Lude and Gandin, Ilaria and Gaskins, Audrey J and Gieger, Christian and Gunderson, Erica P and Guo, Xiuqing and Hayward, Caroline and He, Chunyan and Hofer, Edith and Huang, Hongyan and Joshi, Peter K and Kanoni, Stavroula and Karlsson, Robert and Kiechl, Stefan and Kifley, Annette and Kluttig, Alexander and Kraft, Peter and Lagou, Vasiliki and Lecoeur, Cecile and Lahti, Jari and Li-Gao, Ruifang and Lind, Penelope A and Liu, Tian and Makalic, Enes and Mamasoula, Crysovalanto and Matteson, Lindsay and Mbarek, Hamdi and McArdle, Patrick F and McMahon, George and Meddens, S Fleur W and Mihailov, Evelin and Miller, Mike and Missmer, Stacey A and Monnereau, Claire and van der Most, Peter J and Myhre, Ronny and Nalls, Mike A and Nutile, Teresa and Kalafati, Ioanna Panagiota and Porcu, Eleonora and Prokopenko, Inga and Rajan, Kumar B and Rich-Edwards, Janet and Rietveld, Cornelius A and Robino, Antonietta and Rose, Lynda M and Rueedi, Rico and Ryan, Kathleen A and Saba, Yasaman and Schmidt, Daniel and Smith, Jennifer A and Stolk, Lisette and Streeten, Elizabeth and Tönjes, Anke and Thorleifsson, Gudmar and Ulivi, Sheila and Wedenoja, Juho and Wellmann, Juergen and Willeit, Peter and Yao, Jie and Yengo, Loic and Zhao, Jing Hua and Zhao, Wei and Zhernakova, Daria V and Amin, Najaf and Andrews, Howard and Balkau, Beverley and Barzilai, Nir and Bergmann, Sven and Biino, Ginevra and Bisgaard, Hans and BÞnnelykke, Klaus and Boomsma, Dorret I and Buring, Julie E and Campbell, Harry and Cappellani, Stefania and Ciullo, Marina and Cox, Simon R and Cucca, Francesco and Toniolo, Daniela and Davey-Smith, George and Deary, Ian J and Dedoussis, George and Deloukas, Panos and van Duijn, Cornelia M and de Geus, Eco JC and Eriksson, Johan G and Evans, Denis A and Faul, Jessica D and Sala, Cinzia Felicita and Froguel, Philippe and Gasparini, Paolo and Girotto, Giorgia and Grabe, Hans-Jörgen and Greiser, Karin Halina and Groenen, Patrick JF and de Haan, Hugoline G and Haerting, Johannes and Harris, Tamara B and Heath, Andrew C and HeikkilÀ, Kauko and Hofman, Albert and Homuth, Georg and Holliday, Elizabeth G and Hopper, John and Hyppönen, Elina and Jacobsson, Bo and Jaddoe, Vincent WV and Johannesson, Magnus and Jugessur, Astanand and KÀhönen, Mika and Kajantie, Eero and Kardia, Sharon LR and Keavney, Bernard and Kolcic, Ivana and Koponen, PÀivikki and Kovacs, Peter and Kronenberg, Florian and Kutalik, Zoltan and La Bianca, Martina and Lachance, Genevieve and Iacono, William G and Lai, Sandra and LehtimÀki, Terho and Liewald, David C and Lindgren, Cecilia M and Liu, Yongmei and Luben, Robert and Lucht, Michael and Luoto, Riitta and Magnus, Per and Magnusson, Patrik KE and Martin, Nicholas G and McGue, Matt and McQuillan, Ruth and Medland, Sarah E and Meisinger, Christa and Mellström, Dan and Metspalu, Andres and Traglia, Michela and Milani, Lili and Mitchell, Paul and Montgomery, Grant W and Mook-Kanamori, Dennis and de Mutsert, Renée and Nohr, Ellen A and Ohlsson, Claes and Olsen, JÞrn and Ong, Ken K and Paternoster, Lavinia and Pattie, Alison and Penninx, Brenda WJH and Perola, Markus and Peyser, Patricia A and Pirastu, Mario and Polasek, Ozren and Power, Chris and Kaprio, Jaakko and Raffel, Leslie J and RÀikkönen, Katri and Raitakari, Olli and Ridker, Paul M and Ring, Susan M and Roll, Kathryn and Rudan, Igor and Ruggiero, Daniela and Rujescu, Dan and Salomaa, Veikko and Schlessinger, David and Schmidt, Helena and Schmidt, Reinhold and Schupf, Nicole and Smit, Johannes and Sorice, Rossella and Spector, Tim D and Starr, John M and Stöckl, Doris and Strauch, Konstantin and Stumvoll, Michael and Swertz, Morris A and Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur and Thurik, A Roy and Timpson, Nicholas J and Tung, Joyce Y and Uitterlinden, André G and Vaccargiu, Simona and Viikari, Jorma and Vitart, Veronique and Völzke, Henry and Vollenweider, Peter and Vuckovic, Dragana and Waage, Johannes and Wagner, Gert G and Wang, Jie Jin and Wareham, Nicholas J and Weir, David R and Willemsen, Gonneke and Willeit, Johann and Wright, Alan F and Zondervan, Krina T and Stefansson, Kari and Krueger, Robert F and Lee, James J and Benjamin, Daniel J and Cesarini, David and Koellinger, Philipp D and den Hoed, Marcel and Snieder, Harold and Mills, Melinda C (2016) Genome-wide analysis identifies 12 loci influencing human reproductive behavior. Nature Genetics, 48 (12). pp. 1462-1472. DOI
Bardasi, E and Jenkins, SP (2002) Income in later life: work history matters. Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN 1861344015.
Bardasi, E and Jenkins, SP (2010) The gender gap in private pensions. Bulletin of Economic Research, 62 (4). creators-Jenkins=3AStephen_P=3A=3A.
Bardasi, E and Jenkins, SP and Rigg, JA (2002) Retirement and the income of older people: a British perspective. Ageing and Society, 22 (2). pp. 131-159. DOI
Barkemeyer, R and Figge, F and Hoepner, A and Holt, D and Kraak, JM and Yu, PS (2017) Media coverage of climate change: An international comparison. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 35 (6). pp. 1029-1054. DOI
Barkemeyer, R and Figge, F and Holt, D (2013) Exploring sustainability-related media coverage and human development. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 31 (4). pp. 716-740.
Barratt, Caroline and Allison, Edward H (2014) Vulnerable people, vulnerable resources? Exploring the relationship between people's vulnerability and the sustainability of community-managed natural resources. Development Studies Research, 1 (1). pp. 16-27. DOI
Barratt, Caroline and Green, Gillian and Speed, Ewen (2015) Mental health and houses in multiple occupation. Journal of Public Mental Health, 14 (2). pp. 107-117. DOI
Barratt, Caroline and Seeley, Janet and Allison, Edward H (2015) Lacking the Means or the Motivation? Exploring the Experience of Community-Based Resource Management Among Fisherfolk on Lake Victoria, Uganda. The European Journal of Development Research, 27 (2). pp. 257-272. DOI
Barratt, E (2016) Codifying ethics: New Labour and the government of civil servants. In: Governmentality after Neoliberalism. Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy . Routledge. ISBN 9781138923447.
Barrios Alvarez, Claudia (2018) The role of Management Accounting Practices in shaping efficiency in a Colombian Utility Conglomerate. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
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Jhun, Min A and JĂžrgensen, Marit E and Juonala, Markus and KĂ€hönen, Mika and Karlsson, Magnus and Koistinen, Heikki A and Kolcic, Ivana and Kolovou, Genovefa and Kooperberg, Charles and KrĂ€mer, Bernhard K and Kuusisto, Johanna and KvalĂžy, Kirsti and Lakka, Timo A and Langenberg, Claudia and Launer, Lenore J and Leander, Karin and Lee, Nanette R and Lind, Lars and Lindgren, Cecilia M and Linneberg, Allan and Lobbens, Stephane and Loh, Marie and Lorentzon, Mattias and Luben, Robert and Lubke, Gitta and Ludolph-Donislawski, Anja and Lupoli, Sara and Madden, Pamela AF and MĂ€nnikkö, Reija and Marques-Vidal, Pedro and Martin, Nicholas G and McKenzie, Colin A and McKnight, Barbara and Mellström, Dan and Menni, Cristina and Montgomery, Grant W and Musk, AW Bill and Narisu, Narisu and Nauck, Matthias and Nolte, Ilja M and Oldehinkel, Albertine J and Olden, Matthias and Ong, Ken K and Padmanabhan, Sandosh and Peyser, Patricia A and Pisinger, Charlotta and Porteous, David J and Raitakari, Olli T and Rankinen, Tuomo and Rao, DC and Rasmussen-Torvik, Laura J and Rawal, Rajesh and Rice, Treva and Ridker, Paul M and Rose, Lynda M and Bien, Stephanie A and Rudan, Igor and Sanna, Serena and Sarzynski, Mark A and Sattar, Naveed and Savonen, Kai and Schlessinger, David and Scholtens, Salome and Schurmann, Claudia and Scott, Robert A and Sennblad, Bengt and Siemelink, Marten A and Silbernagel, GĂŒnther and Slagboom, P Eline and Snieder, Harold and Staessen, Jan A and Stott, David J and Swertz, Morris A and Swift, Amy J and Taylor, Kent D and Tayo, Bamidele O and Thorand, Barbara and Thuillier, Dorothee and Tuomilehto, Jaakko and Uitterlinden, Andre G and Vandenput, Liesbeth and Vohl, Marie-Claude and Völzke, Henry and Vonk, Judith M and Waeber, GĂ©rard and Waldenberger, Melanie and Westendorp, RGJ and Wild, Sarah and Willemsen, Gonneke and Wolffenbuttel, Bruce HR and Wong, Andrew and Wright, Alan F and Zhao, Wei and Zillikens, M Carola and Baldassarre, Damiano and Balkau, Beverley and Bandinelli, Stefania and Böger, Carsten A and Boomsma, Dorret I and Bouchard, Claude and Bruinenberg, Marcel and Chasman, Daniel I and Chen, Yii-DerIda and Chines, Peter S and Cooper, Richard S and Cucca, Francesco and Cusi, Daniele and Faire, Ulf de and Ferrucci, Luigi and Franks, Paul W and Froguel, Philippe and Gordon-Larsen, Penny and Grabe, Hans-Jörgen and Gudnason, Vilmundur and Haiman, Christopher A and Hayward, Caroline and Hveem, Kristian and Johnson, Andrew D and Wouter Jukema, J and Kardia, Sharon LR and Kivimaki, Mika and Kooner, Jaspal S and Kuh, Diana and Laakso, Markku and LehtimĂ€ki, Terho and Marchand, Loic Le and MĂ€rz, Winfried and McCarthy, Mark I and Metspalu, Andres and Morris, Andrew P and Ohlsson, Claes and Palmer, Lyle J and Pasterkamp, Gerard and Pedersen, Oluf and Peters, Annette and Peters, Ulrike and Polasek, Ozren and Psaty, Bruce M and Qi, Lu and Rauramaa, Rainer and Smith, Blair H and SĂžrensen, Thorkild IA and Strauch, Konstantin and 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McKnight, Amy J and Min, Josine L and Moffatt, Miriam F and Montgomery, Grant W and Murabito, Joanne M and Nicholson, George and Nyholt, Dale R and Okada, Yukinori and Perry, John RB and Dorajoo, Rajkumar and Reinmaa, Eva and Salem, Rany M and Sandholm, Niina and Scott, Robert A and Stolk, Lisette and Takahashi, Atsushi and Tanaka, Toshihiro and vanât Hooft, Ferdinand M and Vinkhuyzen, Anna AE and Westra, Harm-Jan and Zheng, Wei and Zondervan, Krina T and Heath, Andrew C and Arveiler, Dominique and Bakker, Stephan JL and Beilby, John and Bergman, Richard N and Blangero, John and Bovet, Pascal and Campbell, Harry and Caulfield, Mark J and Cesana, Giancarlo and Chakravarti, Aravinda and Chasman, Daniel I and Chines, Peter S and Collins, Francis S and Crawford, Dana C and Adrienne Cupples, L and Cusi, Daniele and Danesh, John and de Faire, Ulf and den Ruijter, Hester M and Dominiczak, Anna F and Erbel, Raimund and Erdmann, Jeanette and Eriksson, Johan G and Farrall, Martin and Felix, Stephan B and Ferrannini, Ele and FerriĂšres, Jean and Ford, Ian and Forouhi, Nita G and Forrester, Terrence and Franco, Oscar H and Gansevoort, Ron T and Gejman, Pablo V and Gieger, Christian and Gottesman, Omri and Gudnason, Vilmundur and Gyllensten, Ulf and Hall, Alistair S and Harris, Tamara B and Hattersley, Andrew T and Hicks, Andrew A and Hindorff, Lucia A and Hingorani, Aroon D and Hofman, Albert and Homuth, Georg and Kees Hovingh, G and Humphries, Steve E and Hunt, Steven C and Hyppönen, Elina and Illig, Thomas and Jacobs, Kevin B and Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta and Jöckel, Karl-Heinz and Johansen, Berit and Jousilahti, Pekka and Wouter Jukema, J and Jula, Antti M and Kaprio, Jaakko and Kastelein, John JP and Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi, Sirkka M and Kiemeney, Lambertus A and Knekt, Paul and Kooner, Jaspal S and Kooperberg, Charles and Kovacs, Peter and Kraja, Aldi T and Kumari, Meena and Kuusisto, Johanna and Lakka, Timo A and Langenberg, Claudia and Le Marchand, Loic and LehtimĂ€ki, Terho and Lyssenko, Valeriya and MĂ€nnistö, Satu and Marette, AndrĂ© and Matise, Tara C and McKenzie, Colin A and McKnight, Barbara and Moll, Frans L and Morris, Andrew D and Morris, Andrew P and Murray, Jeffrey C and Nelis, Mari and Ohlsson, Claes and Oldehinkel, Albertine J and Ong, Ken K and Madden, Pamela AF and Pasterkamp, Gerard and Peden, John F and Peters, Annette and Postma, Dirkje S and Pramstaller, Peter P and Price, Jackie F and Qi, Lu and Raitakari, Olli T and Rankinen, Tuomo and Rao, DC and Rice, Treva K and Ridker, Paul M and Rioux, John D and Ritchie, Marylyn D and Rudan, Igor and Salomaa, Veikko and Samani, Nilesh J and Saramies, Jouko and Sarzynski, Mark A and Schunkert, Heribert and Schwarz, Peter EH and Sever, Peter and Shuldiner, Alan R and Sinisalo, Juha and Stolk, Ronald P and Strauch, Konstantin and Tönjes, Anke and TrĂ©gouĂ«t, David-Alexandre and Tremblay, Angelo and Tremoli, Elena and Virtamo, Jarmo and Vohl, Marie-Claude and Völker, Uwe and Waeber, GĂ©rard 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Nalls, Michael A and Narisu, Narisu and Glorioso, Nicola and Nolte, Ilja M and Olden, Matthias and Rayner, Nigel W and Renstrom, Frida and Ried, Janina S and Robertson, Neil R and Rose, Lynda M and Sanna, Serena and Scharnagl, Hubert and Scholtens, Salome and Sennblad, Bengt and Seufferlein, Thomas and Sitlani, Colleen M and Vernon Smith, Albert and Stirrups, Kathleen and Stringham, Heather M and Sundström, Johan and Swertz, Morris A and Swift, Amy J and SyvĂ€nen, Ann-Christine and Tayo, Bamidele O and Thorand, Barbara and Thorleifsson, Gudmar and Tomaschitz, Andreas and Troffa, Chiara and van Oort, Floor VA and Verweij, Niek and Vonk, Judith M and Waite, Lindsay L and Wennauer, Roman and Wilsgaard, Tom and Wojczynski, Mary K and Wong, Andrew and Zhang, Qunyuan and Hua Zhao, Jing and Brennan, Eoin P and Choi, Murim and Eriksson, Per and Folkersen, Lasse and Franco-Cereceda, Anders and Gharavi, Ali G and Hedman, Ă sa K and Hivert, Marie-France and Huang, Jinyan and Kanoni, Stavroula and Karpe, Fredrik and Keildson, Sarah and Kiryluk, Krzysztof and Liang, Liming and Lifton, Richard P and Ma, Baoshan and McKnight, Amy J and McPherson, Ruth and Metspalu, Andres and Min, Josine L and Moffatt, Miriam F and Montgomery, Grant W and Murabito, Joanne M and Nicholson, George and Nyholt, Dale R and Olsson, Christian and Perry, John RB and Reinmaa, Eva and Salem, Rany M and Sandholm, Niina and Schadt, Eric E and Scott, Robert A and Stolk, Lisette and Vallejo, Edgar E and Westra, Harm-Jan and Zondervan, Krina T and Amouyel, Philippe and Arveiler, Dominique and Bakker, Stephan JL and Beilby, John and Bergman, Richard N and Blangero, John and Brown, Morris J and Burnier, Michel and Campbell, Harry and Chakravarti, Aravinda and Chines, Peter S and Claudi-Boehm, Simone and Collins, Francis S and Crawford, Dana C and Danesh, John and de Faire, Ulf and de Geus, Eco JC and Dörr, Marcus and Erbel, Raimund and Eriksson, Johan G and Farrall, Martin and Ferrannini, Ele and FerriĂšres, Jean and Forouhi, Nita G and Forrester, Terrence and Franco, Oscar H and Gansevoort, Ron T and Gieger, Christian and Gudnason, Vilmundur and Haiman, Christopher A and Harris, Tamara B and Hattersley, Andrew T and Heliövaara, Markku and Hicks, Andrew A and Hingorani, Aroon D and Hoffmann, Wolfgang and Hofman, Albert and Homuth, Georg and Humphries, Steve E and Hyppönen, Elina and Illig, Thomas and Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta and Johansen, Berit and Jousilahti, Pekka and Jula, Antti M and Kaprio, Jaakko and Kee, Frank and Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi, Sirkka M and Kooner, Jaspal S and Kooperberg, Charles and Kovacs, Peter and Kraja, Aldi T and Kumari, Meena and Kuulasmaa, Kari and Kuusisto, Johanna and Lakka, Timo A and Langenberg, Claudia and Le Marchand, Loic and LehtimĂ€ki, Terho and Lyssenko, Valeriya and MĂ€nnistö, Satu and Marette, AndrĂ© and Matise, Tara C and McKenzie, Colin A and McKnight, Barbara and Musk, Arthur W and Möhlenkamp, Stefan and Morris, Andrew D and Nelis, Mari and Ohlsson, Claes 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