Items where Division is "Faculty of Social Sciences > Government, Department of " and Year is 2019
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Aaskoven, Lasse (2019) Partisan-Electoral Cycles in Public Employment: Evidence from Developed Democracies. Political Studies, 69 (2). pp. 190-213. DOI
Aaskoven, Lasse (2019) Redistributing under fiscal constraint: partisanship, debt, inequality and labour market regulation. Journal of Public Policy, 39 (3). pp. 423-441. DOI
Acosta Oidor, Catalina and Uribe Mendoza, Cristhian and Amaya Panche, Johanna and Idrobo Velazco, Alexander and Aliaga Sáez, Felipe and Ballén Velásquez, Diego Alejandro (2019) Reconciliación y construcción de la paz territorial en Colombia: el caso de la comunidad nasa. Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals, 121 (121). pp. 91-112. DOI
Adams, James and Bernardi, Luca and Ezrow, Lawrence and Gordon, Oakley and Liu, Tzu-Ping and Phillips, M Christine (2019) A Problem with Empirical Studies of Party Policy Shifts: Alternative Measures of Party Shifts are Uncorrelated. European Journal of Political Research, 58 (4). pp. 1234-1244. DOI
Alghashian, Abdulaziz (2019) Between Passive and Active: The Saudi Arabian Foreign Policy Towards Israel. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Arnesen, Sveinung and Duell, Dominik and Johannesson, Mikael Poul (2019) Do citizens make inferences from political candidate characteristics when aiming for substantive representation? Electoral Studies, 57. pp. 46-60. DOI
Asal, Victor and Phillips, Brian J and Rethemeyer, R Karl and Simonelli, Corina and Young, Joseph K (2019) Carrots, Sticks, and Insurgent Targeting of Civilians. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 63 (7). pp. 1710-1735. DOI
Axelsen, David V (2019) Against institutional conservatism. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 22 (6). pp. 637-659. DOI
Axelsen, David V and Bidadanure, Juliana (2019) Unequally egalitarian? Defending the credentials of social egalitarianism. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 22 (3). pp. 335-351. DOI
Banerjee, Sayan (2019) Essays on Ethnic Party Competition and Public Goods Provision in South Asia. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Bartle, John and Dellepiane Avellaneda, Sebastian and McGann, Anthony (2019) Policy accommodation versus electoral turnover:Policy representation in Britain, 1945-2015. Journal of Public Policy, 39 (2). pp. 235-265. DOI
Bartle, John and Sanders, David and Tywman, Joe (2019) Authoritarian populist opinion in Europe. In: Authoritarian Populism and Liberal Democracy. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783030179960. (In Press)
Bartusevicius, Henrikas and Gleditsch, Kristian Skrede (2019) A Two-Stage Approach to Civil Conflict: Contested Incompatibilities and Armed Violence. International Organization, 73 (1). pp. 225-248. DOI
Bechtel, Michael M and Genovese, Federica and Scheve, Kenneth F (2019) Interests, Norms, and Support for the Provision of Global Public Goods: The Case of Climate Cooperation. British Journal of Political Science, 49 (4). pp. 1333-1355. DOI
Best, Rebecca H and Shair-Rosenfield, Sarah and Wood, Reed M (2019) Legislative Gender Diversity and the Resolution of Civil Conflict. Political Research Quarterly, 72 (1). pp. 215-228. DOI
Bodea, Cristina and Garriga, Ana Carolina and Higashijima, Masaaki (2019) Economic Institutions and Autocratic Breakdown: Monetary Constraints and Spending in Dominant-Party Regimes. Journal of Politics, 81 (2). pp. 601-615. DOI
Bohmelt, T (2019) International Treaty Ratification and Leader Turnover. Foreign Policy Analysis, 15 (2). pp. 187-204. DOI
Bohmelt, Tobias and Bove, Vincenzo and Gleditsch, Kristian (2019) Blame the victims? Refugees, state capacity, and non-state actor violence. Journal of Peace Research, 56 (1). pp. 73-87. DOI
Bohmelt, Tobias and Escribà Folch, Abel and Pilster, Ulrich (2019) Pitfalls of Professionalism? Military Academies and Coup Risk. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 63 (5). pp. 1111-1139. DOI
Bolleyer, Nicole and von Nostitz, Felix-Christopher and Bormann, Nils-Christian (2019) Judicial decision-making within political parties: A political approach. Party Politics, 25 (5). pp. 724-735. DOI
Bormann, Nils Christian and Cederman, Lars Erik and Gates, Scott and Graham, Benjamin AT and Hug, Simon and Strøm, Kaare W and Wucherpfennig, Julian (2019) Power Sharing: Institutions, Behavior, and Peace. American Journal of Political Science, 63 (1). pp. 84-100. DOI
Bormann, Nils-Christian (2019) Uncertainty, Cleavages, and Ethnic Coalitions. The Journal of Politics, 81 (2). pp. 471-486. DOI
Bou-Habib, Paul (2019) The Case for Replacement Migration. Journal of Political Philosophy, 27 (1). pp. 67-86. DOI
Bou-Habib, Paul (2019) Climate Justice and Historical Responsibility. The Journal of Politics, 81 (4). pp. 1298-1310. DOI
Boulding, Carew and Foxworth, Raymond and Núñez, Jami Nelson and Velasco Guachalla, Ximena Vania (2019) Indigenous attitudes toward the political system in Bolivia. Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública, 8 (1). DOI
Bove, V and Bohmelt, T (2019) International Migration and Military Intervention in Civil War. Political Science Research and Methods, 7 (2). pp. 271-287. DOI
Braithwaite, Alex and Chu, Tiffany S and Curtis, Justin and Ghosn, Faten (2019) Violence and the perception of risk associated with hosting refugees. Public Choice, 178 (3-4). pp. 473-492. DOI
Buckton, Christina H and Fergie, Gillian and Leifeld, Philip and Hilton, Shona (2019) A discourse network analysis of UK newspaper coverage of the “sugar tax” debate before and after the announcement of the Soft Drinks Industry Levy. BMC Public Health, 19 (1). 490-. DOI
Campbell, Benjamin W and Marrs, Frank W and Böhmelt, Tobias and Fosdick, Bailey K and Cranmer, Skyler J (2019) Latent influence networks in global environmental politics. PLoS ONE, 14 (3). e0213284-e0213284. DOI
Carroll, Royce and Kubo, Hiroki (2019) Measuring and Comparing Party Ideology and Heterogeneity. Party Politics, 25 (2). pp. 245-256. DOI
Castilla Medina, Lorena del Pilar (2019) Housing, Land and Property Rights: the impact of the UN Peacekeeping Operation on economic recovery in Bosnia and Herzegovina. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Chiba, Daina and Johnson, Jesse C (2019) Military Coalitions and Crisis Duration. Journal of Politics, 81 (4). pp. 1466-1479. DOI
Christensen, James (2019) Arming the Outlaws: On the Moral Limits of the Arms Trade. Political Studies, 67 (1). pp. 116-131. DOI
Christiansen, Thomas and Kirchner, Emil and Wissenbach, Uwe (2019) The European Union and China. The European Union Series . Red Globe Press, London, UK. ISBN 9781137308306. Official URL:
Cingranelli, David and Mark, Skip and Gibney, Mark and Haschke, Peter and Wood, Reed and Arnon, Daniel (2019) Human Rights Violations and Violent Internal Conflict. Social Sciences, 8 (2). p. 41. DOI
Dorussen, Han (2019) Why the EU-Japan trade deal matters for the UK. LSE Business Review.
Duell, Dominik and Valasek, Justin (2019) Political Polarization and Selection in Representative Democracies. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 168. pp. 132-165. DOI
Eaton, Kent and Faguet, Jean-Paul and Harbers, Imke and Schakel, Arjan H and Hooghe, Liesbet and Marks, Gary and Niedzwiecki, Sara and Osterkatz, Sandra Chapman and Shair-Rosenfield, Sarah (2019) Measuring and theorizing regional governance. Territory, Politics, Governance, 7 (2). pp. 265-283. DOI
Fenzl, Michele (2019) Democracy in Unequal Times: How Economic Inequality Influences Voter Turnout, Party Polarization, and Union Density. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Fergie, G and Leifeld, P and Hawkins, B and Hilton, S (2019) Mapping discourse coalitions in the minimum unit pricing for alcohol debate: a discourse network analysis of UK newspaper coverage. Addiction, 114 (4). pp. 741-753. DOI
Fiedler, Charlotte (2019) Unpacking the relationship between political institutions and conflict recurrence. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Fisher, Dana R and Leifeld, Philip (2019) The polycentricity of climate policy blockage. Climatic Change, 155 (4). pp. 469-487. DOI
Frith, Michael and Simon, Miranda and Davies, Toby and Braithwaite, Alex and Johnson, Shane (2019) Spatial interaction and security: A review and case study of the Syrian refugee crisis. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 44 (3-4). pp. 328-341. DOI
Garriga, Ana Carolina and Meseguer, Covadonga (2019) Remittances, Monetary Institutions, and Autocracies. Oxford Development Studies, 47 (4). pp. 452-467. DOI
Genovese, Federica (2019) Politics @Pontifex: International Crises and Political Patterns of Papal Tweets. PS: Political Science and Politics, 52 (1). pp. 7-13. DOI
Genovese, Federica (2019) Sectors, Pollution, and Trade: How Industrial Interests Shape Domestic Positions on Global Climate Agreements. International Studies Quarterly, 63 (4). pp. 819-836. DOI
Genovese, Federica and Tvinnereim, Endre (2019) Who Opposes Climate Regulation? Business Preferences for the European Emission Trading Scheme. Review of International Organizations, 14 (3). pp. 511-542. DOI
Gerver, Mollie (2019) Denying Services to Prevent Regret. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 36 (3). pp. 471-490. DOI
Ghosn, Faten and Gizelis, Theodora-Ismene (2019) Power of Rules and Rule of Power. International Studies Review, 21 (2). pp. 183-187. DOI
Gizelis, Theodora Ismene and Benson, Michelle (2019) Advancing the Frontier of Peacekeeping Research. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 63 (7). pp. 1595-1600. DOI
Gleditsch, Kristian (2019) An ever more violent world? Political Studies Review, 17 (2). pp. 99-114. DOI
Gleditsch, Kristian and Tago, Atsushi and Tanaka, Seiki (2019) Spurred by Threats or Afraid of War? A Survey Experiment on Costs of Conflict in Support for Military Action. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 25 (2). DOI
Glynos, Jason and Burity, Joanildo and de Oliveira, Gustavo Gilson Souza (2019) Critical Fantasy Studies: neoliberalism, education and identification. An interview with Jason Glynos. Serie-Estudos, 24 (52). pp. 145-170. DOI
Glynos, Jason and Howarth, David (2019) The Retroductive Cycle: The Research Process in Poststructuralist Discourse Analysis. In: Discourse, Culture and Organization: Inquiries into Relational Structures of Power. Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse . Palgrave MacMillan, London, pp. 105-125. ISBN 9783319941226. Official URL:
Grasso, Maria T and Yoxon, Barbara and Karampampas, Sotirios and Temple, Luke (2019) Relative deprivation and inequalities in social and political activism. Acta Politica, 54 (3). pp. 398-429. DOI
Griggs, Steven and Howarth, David (2019) Discourse, policy and the environment: hegemony, statements and the analysis of UK airport expansion. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 21 (5). pp. 464-478. DOI
Helms, Emily (2019) By any other name? Rethinking the implications of mandate language in UN peace operations for civilian protection. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Howarth, David R and Barnett, Neil and Griggs, Steven (2019) Whatever happened to Councillors? Problematising the deficiency narrative in English local politics. Political Studies, 67 (3). pp. 775-794. DOI
Inata, Kana (2019) Three Essays on Protest and Negotiations. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Jensen, Carsten and Lee, Seonghui (2019) Mass media attention to welfare state reforms: evidence from Britain, 1996–2014. West European Politics, 42 (1). pp. 113-132. DOI
Johns, Robert and Davies, Graeme AM (2019) Civilian casualties and public support for military action: Experimental evidence. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 63 (1). pp. 251-281. DOI
Josse, Peter (2019) Popular sovereignty without populism: autonomy, democracy, and citizen endorsement. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Kirchner, Emil (2019) China and the European Union. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press (OUP). Official URL:
Kostelka, Filip and Blais, André and Gidengil, Elisabeth (2019) Has the gender gap in voter turnout really disappeared? West European Politics, 42 (3). pp. 437-463. DOI
Kostelka, Filip and Rovny, Jan (2019) It’s Not the Left: Ideology and Protest Participation in Old and New Democracies. Comparative Political Studies, 52 (11). pp. 1677-1712. DOI
Lapping, Claudia and Glynos, Jason (2019) ‘Two for joy’: Towards a better understanding of free associative methods as sites of transference in empirical research. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society, 24 (4). pp. 432-451. DOI
Lee, Sophie J and Liu, Howard and Ward, Michael D (2019) Lost in Space: Geolocation in Event Data. Political Science Research and Methods, 7 (04). pp. 871-888. DOI
Leifeld, Philip and Cranmer, Skyler J (2019) A theoretical and empirical comparison of the temporal exponential random graph model and the stochastic actor-oriented model. Network Science, 7 (1). pp. 20-51. DOI
Lloyd, Moya (2019) Whose names count? Jacques Rancière on Alfredo Jaar’s Rwanda Project. Contemporary Political Theory, 18 (3). pp. 311-330. DOI
Maekawa, Wakako and Ari, Baris and Gizelis, Theodora Ismene (2019) UN involvement and civil war peace agreement implementation. Public Choice, 178 (3-4). pp. 397-416. DOI
Malang, Thomas and Brandenberger, Laurence and Leifeld, Philip (2019) Networks and Social Influence in European Legislative Politics. British Journal of Political Science, 49 (4). pp. 1475-1498. DOI
Martin, SG and Mickler, TA (2019) Committee Assignments: Theories, Causes, and Consequences. Parliamentary Affairs, 72 (1). pp. 77-98. DOI
Martin, Shane and Whitaker, Richard (2019) Beyond Committees: Parliamentary Oversight of Coalition Government in Britain. West European Politics, 42 (7). pp. 1464-1486. DOI
McGann, Anthony and Dellepiane-Avellaneda, Sebastian and Bartle, John (2019) Parallel Lines? Policy Mood in a Plurinational Democracy. Electoral Studies, 58. pp. 48-57. DOI
Montanaro, Laura (2019) Discursive Exit. American Journal of Political Science, 63 (4). pp. 875-887. DOI
Mustasilta, Katariina (2019) On chiefs and peace: Examining the role of traditional governance in sub-Saharan African conflict dynamics. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Nelson, Phillip (2019) Money. Money. Money? Economic incentives in civil conflict. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Park, Ju Yeon (2019) Committee chair’s majority partisan status and its effect on information transmission via hearings. The Journal of Legislative Studies, 25 (4). pp. 614-624. DOI
Park, Ju Yeon (2019) Punishing without rewards? A comprehensive examination of the asymmetry in economic voting. Electoral Studies, 57. pp. 1-18. DOI
Parr, TA and Moles, A (2019) Distributions and Relations: A Hybrid Account. Political Studies, 67 (1). pp. 132-148. DOI
Parr, Tom (2019) Revisiting Harmless Discrimination. Philosophia, 47 (5). pp. 1535-1538. DOI
Parr, Tom and Slavny, Adam (2019) What's Wrong with Risk? Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 8 (2). pp. 76-85. DOI
Petrova, Marina (2019) The Role of State and Non-State Actors in Determining Violent and Nonviolent Tactics in Political Conflict. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Phillips, Brian J (2019) Do 90 Percent of Terrorist Groups Last Less than a Year? Updating the Conventional Wisdom. Terrorism and Political Violence, 31 (6). pp. 1255-1265. DOI
Phillips, Brian J (2019) Foreign Terrorist Organization designation, international cooperation, and terrorism. International Interactions, 45 (2). pp. 316-343. DOI
Phillips, Brian J (2019) Terrorist Group Rivalries and Alliances: Testing Competing Explanations. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 42 (11). pp. 997-1019. DOI
Phillips, Brian J (2019) Terrorist Organizational Dynamics. In: The Oxford Handbook of Terrorism. Oxford University Press, pp. 385-400. ISBN 9780198732914. Official URL:
Quinn, T (2019) The Conservative Party's Leadership Election of 2016: Choosing a Leader in Government. British Politics, 14 (1). pp. 63-85. DOI
Radean, Marius (2019) Sometimes You Cannot Have It All: Party Switching and Affiliation Motivations as Substitutes. Party Politics, 25 (2). pp. 140-152. DOI
Reinhardt, Gina and Weir, Ruth (2019) Safe and Well Evaluation Report. Project Report. University of Essex & Essex County Fire and Rescue Service. (Unpublished)
Reinhardt, Gina Yannitell (2019) The Intersectionality of Disasters’ Effects on Trust in Public Officials. Social Science Quarterly, 100 (7). pp. 2567-2580. DOI
Reinhardt, Gina Yannitell and Drennan, Lex (2019) Local emergency management special issue: guest editors’ introduction. Local Government Studies, 45 (3). pp. 293-301. DOI
Reinhardt, Gina Yannitell and Ross, Ashley D (2019) Expanding Social Science Through Disaster Studies. Social Science Quarterly, 100 (7). pp. 2523-2529. DOI
Rocabert, Jofre and Schimmelfennig, Frank and Crasnic, Loriana and Winzen, Thomas (2019) The rise of international parliamentary institutions: Purpose and legitimation. The Review of International Organizations, 14 (4). pp. 607-631. DOI
Schimmelfennig, Frank and Winzen, Thomas (2019) Grand Theories, Differentiated Integration. Journal of European Public Policy, 26 (8). pp. 1172-1192. DOI
Simon, Miranda (2019) Path Dependency and Adaptation: The Effects of Policy on Migration Systems. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 22 (2). DOI
Sudulich, Laura and Trumm, Siim (2019) A Comparative Study of the Effects of Electoral Institutions on Campaigns. British Journal of Political Science, 49 (1). pp. 381-399. DOI
Tafon, Ralph and Howarth, David and Griggs, Steven (2019) The politics of Estonia’s offshore wind energy programme: Discourse, power and marine spatial planning. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 37 (1). pp. 157-176. DOI
Tchie, Andrew Edward (2019) Actors and victims: Understanding the trends and the use of indiscriminate violence in conflicts. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Whiteley, Paul and Kölln, Ann-Kristin (2019) How Do Different Sources of Partisanship Influence Government Accountability in Europe? International Political Science Review, 40 (4). pp. 502-517. DOI
Whiteley, Paul and Poletti, Monica and Webb, Paul and Bale, Tim (2019) Oh Jeremy Corbyn! Why did Labour Party Membership Soar after the 2015 General Election? British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 21 (1). pp. 80-98. DOI
Yannitell Reinhardt, Gina and Chatsiou, Kakia (2019) Using community education interventions to build resilience and avert crises: how accidental dwelling fires decreased in Essex County, UK. Local Government Studies, 45 (3). pp. 394-412. DOI