Items where Division is "Faculty of Arts and Humanities > Philosophical, Historical and Interdisciplinary Studies, School of" and Year is 2019
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Blackmore, Lisa (2019) Contraflujos: Orden hidráulico y ecologías residuales en el paisaje dominicano. Iberoamericana. América Latina - España - Portugal, 19 (72). pp. 57-80. DOI
Burch, Matthew and Furman, Katherine (2019) Objectivity in Science and Law: A Shared Rescue Strategy. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 64. pp. 60-70. DOI
Di Giuseppantonio Di Franco, Paola and Winterbottom, Mark and Galeazzi, Fabrizio and Gogan, Mike (2019) Ksar Said: Building Tunisian young people's critical engagement with their heritage. Sustainability, 11 (5). p. 1373. DOI
Duxbury, Catherine (2019) Of Monkeys, Men and Menstruation: Gendered Dualisms and the Absent Referent in Mid‐Twentieth Century British Menstrual Science. Journal of Historical Sociology, 32 (1). pp. 94-107. DOI
Duxbury, Catherine (2019) Property, Pain and Pastoral Power: The Advent of Animal Welfare in the Review of the 1876 Cruelty to Animals Act, 1947-1965. Journal for Critical Animal Studies, 16 (2). pp. 3-33.
Freeman, Thomas S and Monta, Suzannah Brietz (2019) '"Straunge and prodigious miracles"? John Foxe's reformation of Virgin Martyr Legends. Reformation, 24 (2). pp. 76-91. DOI
Freyenhagen, Fabian (2019) Characterising social pathologies: an analytic grid. Studies in Social and Political Thought, 28. pp. 15-20. DOI
Freyenhagen, Fabian (2019) Dogmatischer Dogmatismusvorwurf: Eine Replik auf Stefan Müller-Doohm und Roman Yos [‘Dogmatic Allegation of Dogmatism: A Reply to Stefan Müller-Doohm and Roman Yos’]. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 67 (1). pp. 42-58. DOI
Gormley, Steven (2019) Deliberation, Unjust Exclusion, and the Rhetorical Turn. Contemporary Political Theory, 18 (2). pp. 202-226. DOI
Grant, M (2019) Making Sense of Nuclear War: Narratives of Voluntary Civil Defence and the Memory of Britain’s Cold War. Social History, 44 (2). pp. 229-254. DOI
Green, Alix (2019) 'Secret lists and sanctions': the blacklisting of the John Lewis Partnership and the politics of pay in 1970s Britain. Twentieth Century British History, 30 (2). pp. 205-230. DOI
Gurney, Peter (2019) ‘Co-operation and Communism cannot work side by side’: organised consumers and the early Cold War in Britain. Twentieth Century British History, 30 (3). pp. 347-374. DOI
Jütten, Timo (2019) Adorno on Hope. Philosophy and Social Criticism, 45 (3). pp. 284-306. DOI
Kelley, Sean M (2019) New World Slave Traders and the Problem of Trade Goods: Brazil, Barbados, Cuba, and North America in Comparative Perspective. English Historical Review, 134 (567). pp. 302-333. DOI
Khurana, Thomas (2019) ‘I do not cognize myself through being conscious of myself as thinking’: Self-knowledge and the irreducibility of self-objectification in Kant. Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 49 (7). pp. 956-979. DOI
Martin, Wayne and Gergel, Tania and Owen, Gareth S (2019) Manic Temporality. Philosophical Psychology, 32 (1). pp. 72-97. DOI
Martin, Wayne and Gurbai, Sándor (2019) Surveying the Geneva impasse: Coercive care and human rights. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 64. pp. 117-128. DOI
Owen, Gareth S and Martin, Wayne and Gergel, Tania (2019) Misevaluating the Future: Affective Disorder and Decision-Making Capacity for Treatment-A Temporal Understanding. Psychopathology, 51 (6). pp. 371-379. DOI
Presciutti, Diana Bullen (2019) Miracles in Monochrome: Grisaille in Visual Hagiography. Art History, 42 (5). pp. 862-891. DOI
Röhrig Assunção, Matthias and Dias Souza, Carlos Eduardo (2019) Ginga na Avenida. A capoeira no carnaval carioca, 1954-1976 [Ginga in the parade: capoeira in cariocan carnival (1954-1976)]. Revista Nordestina de História do Brasil, 2 (3). pp. 83-103. DOI
Schaub, Joerg (2019) Aesthetic Freedom and Democratic Ethical Life: A Hegelian Account of the Relationship between Aesthetics and Democratic Politics. European Journal of Philosophy, 27 (1). pp. 75-97. DOI
Schaub, Joerg and Odigbo, Ikechukwu M (2019) Expanding the Taxonomy of (Mis-)Recognition in the Economic Sphere. European Journal of Social Theory, 22 (1). pp. 103-122. DOI
Smith, Lisa W (2019) Remembering Dr. Sloane: Masculinity and the Making of an Eighteenth-Century Physician. Journal for Eighteenth Century Studies, 42 (4). pp. 433-453. DOI
Tymkiw, Michael (2019) Floor Mosaics, Romanità, and Spectatorship: The Foro Mussolini’s Piazzale dell’Impero. The Art Bulletin, 101 (2). pp. 109-132. DOI
Watts, Daniel (2019) The Fullness of Time: Kierkegaardian Themes in Dreyer's Ordet. Religions, 10 (1). p. 58. DOI
Watts, Daniel and Stern, Robert (2019) Valuing Humanity: Kierkegaardian Worries about Korsgaardian Transcendental Arguments. International Journal of Philosophy and Theology, 80 (4-5). pp. 424-442. DOI
Book Section
Blackmore, Lisa (2019) El Helicoide and La Torre de David as Phantom Pavilions: Rethinking Spectacles of Progress in Venezuela. In: The Politics of Culture in the Chávez Era. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 136-157. ISBN 9781119531036. Official URL:
Blackmore, Lisa and Jarman, Rebecca and Plaza, Penelope (2019) Introduction: Charting Cultural Currents in Venezuela's Pink Tide. In: The Politics of Culture in the Chávez Era. SLAS/BLAR Book Series . Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 5-17. ISBN 9781119531036. Official URL:
Burch, Matthew (2019) Against Our Better Judgment. In: Normativity, Meaning, and the Promise of Phenomenology. Routledge Research in Phenomenology . Routledge. ISBN 9781138479913. Official URL:
Kelley, Sean (2019) Precedents: The 'Captured Negroes' of Tortola, 1807-1822. In: Liberated Africans and the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 1807-1896. Rochester Studies in African History . University of Rochester Press, Rochester, NY (USA). Official URL: (In Press)
Kelley, Sean (2019) Twelve Years a Slave and the ‘Unthinkability’ of Enslaved Autobiography. In: Biography and History in Film. Palgrave Studies in the History of the Media . Palgrave, pp. 171-189. ISBN 978-3-319-89407-2. Official URL: (In Press)
Martin, Wayne (2019) Fichte on Freedom. In: The Palgrave Fichte Handbook. Palgrave Handbooks in German Idealism . Palgrave, pp. 285-306. ISBN 978-3-030-26507-6. Official URL:
Presciutti, Diana Bullen (2019) Sleeping with the Enemy: Infertility and Wife Murder in a Miracle of St. Peter Martyr. In: Lived Religion and Everyday Life in Early Modern Hagiographic Material. Palgrave Studies in the History of Experience . Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 127-151. ISBN 9783030155537. Official URL:
Priest, Andrew (2019) Inside JFK's White House: The Myth of John F. Kennedy and Thirteen Days (2000). In: Biography and History in Film. Palgrave Studies in the History of the Media (1). Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 277-294. ISBN 978-3-319-89407-2. Official URL:
Ruiz-Gómez, Natasha (2019) The Model Patient: Observation and Illustration at the Musée Charcot. In: Visualizing the Body in Art, Anatomy, and Medicine Since 1800: Models and Modeling. Science and the Arts since 1750 (First). Routledge, pp. 203-232. ISBN 9781138544376. Official URL:
Röhrig Assunção, Matthias (2019) Capoeira: From Slave Combat Game to Global Martial Art. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History. Oxford University Press, New York. Official URL:
Schaub, Joerg (2019) John Rawls' Projekt(e) der Versöhnung [John Rawls' Project(s) of Reconciliation]. In: John Rawls: Das Recht der Völker [John Rawls' Law of Peoples]. Klassiker Auslegen, 70 . DeGruyter, Berlin, pp. 177-195. ISBN 978-3-11-065063-1. Official URL:
Smith, Lisa Wynne (2019) The Many Meanings of an Eighteenth-Century Account of a Caesarean Operation. In: Early Modern Ireland and the World of Medicine: Practitioners, Collectors and Contexts. Society for the Social History of Medicine . Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 978-1526138156.
Blackmore, Lisa and Jarman, Rebecca and Plaza, Penélope (2019) The Politics of Culture in the Chávez Era. SLAS/BLAR Book Series . Wiley Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-119-53103-6. Official URL:
Blackmore, Lisa and Jarman, Rebecca and Plaza, Penélope (2019) The Politics of Culture in the Chávez Era. Bulletin of Latin American Research Book Series, 38 . Wiley Blackwell. Official URL:
Frost, Mark R and Vickers, Edward and Schumacher, Daniel (2019) Remembering Asia's World War Two. Remembering the Modern World . Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367111328. Official URL:
Khurana, Thomas and Menke, Christoph and Brandom, Robert and Butler, Judith and Rödl, Sebastian and Pinkard, Terry (2019) Paradoxien der Autonomie (second edition). Freiheit und Gesetz . August Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 9783941360105. Official URL:
Mold, Alex and Clark, Peder and Millward, Gareth and Payling, Daisy (2019) Placing the Public in Public Health in Post-War Britain, 1948–2012. Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in Modern History . Palgrave Pivot. ISBN 9783030186852. Official URL:
Bilo, Denis (2019) Sculpture in site: Examining the relationship between sculpture and site in the principal works of Giambologna. Masters thesis, University of Essex.
Chryssouli, Georgia (2019) The Alchemist of the Surreal and the Uncanny Valley: Jan Švankmajer, the puppet and eerie animation. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Kowalewski, Jakub (2019) The Phenomenology of Ethical Self-Awareness. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Odigbo, IM (2019) Recognition, Normative Reconstruction and Economic Justice: National and Transnational Perspectives. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Oliver, Samuel J (2019) History and ideality in Husserl, Derrida, and the Critical Theory tradition. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Radtke, Allen E (2019) Personhood, Collective Intention and Corporate Moral Responsibility. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Seymour, Kate (2019) Rethinking critical theory between Rancière and the Frankfurt School. PhD thesis, University of Essex.
Wood, Elizabeth (2019) #I'm With Her: An Artistic Exploration of Online Communication and Relationships. Masters thesis, University of Essex.