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The detailed characterisation of a 400 kb cosmid walk in the <i>BRCA1</i> region: identification and localisation of 10 genes including a dual-specificity phosphatase

A.Jones, Karen and M.Black, Donald and A.Brown, Melissa and L.Griffiths, Beatrice and M.Nicolai, Hans and A.Chambers, Julie and Bonjardim, Marisa and Xu, Chun-Fang and Boyd, Marie and MeFariane, Robert and Korn, Bernhard and Poustka, Annemarie and A.North, Michael and Schalkwyk, Leo and Lehrach, Hans and Solomon, Ellen (1994) The detailed characterisation of a 400 kb cosmid walk in the <i>BRCA1</i> region: identification and localisation of 10 genes including a dual-specificity phosphatase. Human Molecular Genetics, 3 (11). pp. 1927-1934. DOI https://doi.org/10.1093/hmg/3.11.1927


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