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Overview of the ImageCLEF 2021: Multimedia Retrieval in Medical, Nature, Internet and Social Media Applications

Ionescu, Bogdan and Müller, Henning and Péteri, Renaud and Abacha, Asma Ben and Sarrouti, Mourad and Demner-Fushman, Dina and Hasan, Sadid A and Kozlovski, Serge and Liauchuk, Vitali and Cid, Yashin Dicente and Kovalev, Vassili and Pelka, Obioma and Garcia Seco De Herrera, Alba and Jacutprakart, Janadhip and Friedrich, Christoph M and Berari, Raul and Tauteanu, Andrei and Fichou, Dimitri and Brie, Paul and Dogariu, Mihai and Ştefan, Liviu Daniel and Constantin, Mihai Gabriel and Chamberlain, Jon and Campello, Antonio and Clark, Adrian and Oliver, Thomas A and Moustahfid, Hassan and Popescu, Adrian and Deshayes-Chossart, Jérôme (2021) Overview of the ImageCLEF 2021: Multimedia Retrieval in Medical, Nature, Internet and Social Media Applications. In: 12th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2021, 2021-09-21 - 2021-09-24, Virtual Event.


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Filename: ImageCLEF_2021_overview.pdf




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