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Sociocultural Integration in Mergers and Acquisitions: Unresolved Paradoxes and Directions for Future Research

Stahl, Günter K and Angwin, Duncan N and Very, Philippe and Gomes, Emanuel and Weber, Yaakov and Tarba, Shlomo Yedidia and Noorderhaven, Niels and Benyamini, Haim and Bouckenooghe, Dave and Chreim, Samia and Durand, Muriel and Hassett, Mélanie E and Kokk, Gary and Mendenhall, Mark E and Mirc, Nicola and Miska, Christof and Park, Kathleen Marshall and Reynolds, Noelia‐Sarah and Rouzies, Audrey and Sarala, Riikka M and Seloti, Sergio Luis and Søndergaard, Mikael and Yildiz, H Emre (2013) Sociocultural Integration in Mergers and Acquisitions: Unresolved Paradoxes and Directions for Future Research. Thunderbird International Business Review, 55 (4). pp. 333-356. DOI https://doi.org/10.1002/tie.21549


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