Items where Division is "Faculty of Social Sciences " and Year is 2020
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Aaskoven, Lasse (2020) Oil, elections and fiscal transparency. European Journal of Political Research, 59 (3). pp. 692-713. DOI
Aaskoven, Lasse (2020) Parties, governments and the integration of immigrants. Journal of European Public Policy, 27 (7). pp. 995-1014. DOI
Aaskoven, Lasse (2020) The electoral cycle in political contributions: the incumbency advantage of early elections. Acta Politica, 55 (4). pp. 670-691. DOI
Abbs, Luke (2020) The Hunger Games: Food Prices, Ethnic Cleavages and Nonviolent Unrest in Africa. Journal of Peace Research, 57 (2). pp. 281-296. DOI
Abbs, Luke and Clayton, Govinda and Thomson, Andrew (2020) The Ties That Bind: Ethnicity, Pro-government Militia, and the Dynamics of Violence in Civil War. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 64 (5). pp. 903-932. DOI
Adams, James and Merrill, Samuel and Zur, Roi (2020) The Spatial Voting Model. In: The SAGE Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations. SAGE, pp. 205-223. ISBN 9781526459930. Official URL:
Adhikari, Pawan and Shrestha, Amrit (2020) Comparative Fiscal Performance of Provincial Governments. Journal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal, 22 (3). pp. 29-36.
Adisa, Olumide and Allen, Katherine and Kumari, Meena and Weir, Ruth and Bond, Emma (2020) Mapping the VAWG funding ecosystem in England and Wales. Project Report. Suffolk Institute for Social and Economic Research.
Adwan, Sami and Alhaj-Ismail, Alaa and Girardone, Claudia (2020) Fair value accounting and value relevance of equity book value and net income for European financial firms during the crisis. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 39. p. 100320. DOI
Agyemang, Jacob and Jayasinghe, Kelum and Adhikari, Pawan and Carmel, Simon and Abongeh, Tunyi (2020) Calculative Measures of Organising and Decision-Making in Developing Countries: The Case of a Quasi-Formal Organisation in Ghana. Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal, 34 (2). pp. 421-450. DOI
Ahonen, Pasi and Blomberg, Annika and Doerr, Kathrine and Einola, Katja and Elkina, Anna and Gao, Grace and Hambleton, Jennifer and Helin, Jenny and Huopalainen, Astrid and Johanssen, BjÞrn and Johansson, Janet and JÀÀskelÀinen, Pauliina and Kaasila-Pakanen, Anna-Liisa and Kivinen, Nina and Mandalaki, Emmanouela and MerilÀinen, Susan and Pullen, Alison and Salmela, Tarja and Satama, Suvi and Tienari, Janne and Wickström, Alice and Zhang, Ling (2020) Writing resistance together. Gender, Work and Organization, 27 (4). pp. 447-470. DOI
Akay, Alpaslan and Bargain, Olivier and Jara, H Xavier (2020) âFairâ welfare comparisons with heterogeneous tastes: subjective versus revealed preferences. Social Choice and Welfare, 55 (1). pp. 51-84. DOI
Al Baghal, T and Sloan, L and Jessop, C and Williams, M and Burnap, P (2020) Linking Twitter and Survey Data: The Impact of Survey Mode and Demographics on Consent Rates Across Three UK Studies. Social Science Computer Review, 38 (5). pp. 517-532. DOI
Alan, Sule and Ertac, Seda and Kubilay, Elif and Loranth, Gyongyi (2020) Understanding Gender Differences in Leadership. The Economic Journal, 130 (626). pp. 263-289. DOI
Alâkalouti, Jamil and Kumar, Vikas and Kumar, Niraj and GarzaâReyes, Jose A and Upadhyay, Arvind and Zwiegelaar, Jeremy B (2020) Investigating innovation capability and organizational performance in service firms. Strategic Change, 29 (1). pp. 103-113. DOI
Anderson, C and Getmansky, A and Hirsch-Hoefler, S (2020) Burden Sharing: Income, Inequality, and Willingness to Fight. British Journal of Political Science, 50 (1). pp. 363-379. DOI
Anessi-Pessina, Eugenio and Barbera, Carmela and Langella, Cecilia and Manes-Rossi, Francesca and Sancino, Alessandro and Sicilia, Mariafrancesca and Steccolini, Ileana (2020) Reconsidering public budgeting after the COVID-19 outbreak: key lessons and future challenges. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 32 (5). pp. 957-965. DOI
Apesteguia, Jose and Oechssler, Jörg and Weidenholzer, Simon (2020) Copy trading. Management Science, 66 (12). pp. 5485-6064. DOI
Aquino, AndrĂ© Carlos Busanelli de and Caperchione, Eugenio and Cardoso, Ricardo Lopes and Steccolini, Ileana (2020) Overseas influences on the development and recent innovations on public sector accounting and finance in Latin America. Revista de Administração PĂșblica, 54 (1). pp. 1-10. DOI
Ari, Baris and Gizelis, Theodora-Ismene (2020) Civil Conflict Fragmentation and the Effectiveness of UN Peacekeeping Operations. International Peacekeeping, 27 (4). pp. 617-644. DOI
Arnaboldi, Francesca and Casu, Barbara and Gallo, Angela and Kalotychou, Elena and Sarkisyan, Anna (2020) Gender Diversity and Bank Misconduct. Working Paper. Cass Business School Centre for Banking Research Working Paper No 01/20. (Unpublished)
Arnaboldi, Francesca and Casu, Barbara and Kalotychou, Elena and Sarkisyan, Anna (2020) Board Diversity Reforms: Do they Matter for EU Bank Performance? European Financial Management, 26 (2). pp. 416-454. DOI
Arnaboldi, Francesca and Casu, Barbara and Kalotychou, Elena and Sarkisyan, Anna (2020) The Performance Effects of Board Heterogeneity: What Works for EU Banks? The European Journal of Finance, 26 (10). pp. 897-924. DOI
Arranz, Nieves and Arroyabe, Marta F and Schumann, Martin (2020) The role of NPOs and international actors in the national innovation system: A network-based approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 159. p. 120183. DOI
Arranz, Nieves and Fernandez De Arroyabe Arranz, Marta and Fernandez De Arroyabe Fernandez, Juan Carlos (2020) Network embeddedness in exploration and exploitation joint R&D projects: a structural approach. British Journal of Management, 31 (2). pp. 421-437. DOI
Atakan, Alp and Kockesen, Levent and Kubilay, Elif (2020) Starting Small to Communicate. Games and Economic Behavior, 121. pp. 265-296. DOI
Athreye, Suma and Fassio, Claudio (2020) Why do innovators not apply for trademarks? the role of informational asymmetries and collaborative innovation. Industry and Innovation, 27 (1-2). pp. 134-154. DOI
Athreye, Suma and Piscitello, Lucia and Shadlen, Kenneth C (2020) Twenty-five years since TRIPS: Patent policy and international business. Journal of International Business Policy, 3 (4). pp. 315-328. DOI
Atif, Muhammad and Huang, Allen and Liu, Benjamin (2020) The effect of say on pay on CEO compensation and spill-over effect on corporate cash holdings: Evidence from Australia. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 64. p. 101105. DOI
Attah-Boakye, Rexford and Adams, Kweku and Kimani, Danson and Ullah, Subhan (2020) The impact of board gender diversity and national culture on corporate innovation: A multi-country analysis of multinational corporations operating in emerging economies. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 161. p. 120247. DOI
Axelsen, David and Nielsen, Lasse (2020) Harsh and Disrespectful: Rescuing Moral Agency from Luck and Choice. Social Theory and Practice, 46 (4). pp. 657-679. DOI (In Press)
Baerg, Nicole (2020) Crafting Consensus: Why Central Bankers Change their Speech and how Speech Changes the Economy. Oxford University Press, New York. ISBN 9780190499488. Official URL:
Baerg, Nicole and Lowe, Will (2020) A Textual Taylor Rule: Estimating Central Bank Preferences Combining Topic and Scaling Methods. Political Science Research and Methods, 8 (1). pp. 106-122. DOI
Bakaki, Zorzeta and Böhmelt, Tobias and Ward, Hugh (2020) The triangular relationship between public concern for environmental issues, policy output, and media attention. Environmental Politics, 29 (7). pp. 1157-1177. DOI
Bakas, Dimitrios and Ioakimidis, Marilou and Triantafyllou, Athanasios (2020) Commodity Price Uncertainty as a Leading Indicator of Economic Activity. Working Paper. Essex Finance Centre Working Papers. (Unpublished)
Bakas, Dimitrios and Triantafyllou, Athanasios (2020) Commodity Price Volatility and the Economic Uncertainty of Pandemics. Economics Letters, 193. p. 109283. DOI
Baker, Emma and Daniels, Lyrian and Pawson, Hal and Baddeley, Michelle and Vij, Akshay and Stephens, Mark and Phibbs, Peter and Clair, Amy and Beer, Andrew and Power, Emma and Bentley, Rebecca and T. Kulik, Carol and Sinha, Ruchi and Stone, Wendy and Dignam, Joel and London, Kerry and owley, Steven R and Hulse, Kath and A. Nygaard, Christian and Holst, Heather and Leishman, Chris and Rogers, Dallas and Jacobs, Keith (2020) Rental Insights A COVID-19 Collection. Technical Report. Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI).
Bakker, Ryan and Jolly, Seth and Polk, Jonathan (2020) Multidimensional Incongruence, Political Disaffection, and Support for Anti-Establishment Parties. Journal of European Public Policy, 27 (2). pp. 292-309. DOI
Bar Haim, Shaul (2020) The Mosaic Legacy of Sigmund Freud: How to Read Moses and Monotheism in the Twenty-First Century. On Gilad Sharvit and Karen S. Feldman (eds), Freud and Monotheism: Moses and the Violent Origins of Religion. Psychoanalysis and History, 22 (3). pp. 371-378. DOI
Bar Haim, Shaul (2020) Proving nothing and illustrating much: the case of Michael Balint. History of the Human Sciences, 33 (3-4). pp. 47-65. DOI
Baranov, Victoria and Bhalotra, Sonia and Biroli, Pietro and Maselko, Joanna (2020) Maternal Depression, Women's Empowerment, and Parental Investment: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial. The American Economic Review, 110 (3). pp. 824-859. DOI
Barban, N and Billari, FC and de Luna, X and Svensson, I and Lundholm, E (2020) Causal Effects of the Timing of Life-course Events Age at Retirement and Subsequent Health. Sociological Methods and Research, 49 (1). pp. 216-249. DOI
Barbera, Carmela and Guarini, Enrico and Steccolini, Ileana (2020) How do governments cope with austerity? The roles of accounting in shaping governmental financial resilience. Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal, 33 (3). pp. 529-558. DOI
Barratt, Edward (2020) Parrhesia and the ethics of public service - towards a genealogy of the bureaucrat as frank counsellor. Foucault Studies, 28 (28). pp. 120-141. DOI (In Press)
Barros, Amon and Taylor, Scott (2020) Think Tanks, Business and Civil Society: The Ethics of Promoting Pro-corporate Ideologies. Journal of Business Ethics, 162 (3). pp. 505-517. DOI
Bartle, John and Bosch, Agusti and Orriols, Lluis (2020) The policy mood in Spain: The thermostat in a warm climate, 1978-2017. European Political Science Review, 12 (2). pp. 133-153. DOI
Bayrakdar, Sait and Guveli, Ayse (2020) Inequalities in home learning and schoolsâ provision of distance teaching during school closure of COVID-19 lockdown in the UK. Working Paper. ISER Working Paper series.
Bearce, David H and Velasco-Guachalla, V Ximena (2020) How Can We Explain Regime Type Differences If Citizens Don't Vote Based on Foreign Economic Policy? Foreign Policy Analysis, 16 (3). pp. 492-503. DOI
Beardsley, Kyle and Liu, Howard and Mucha, Peter J and Siegel, David A and Tellez, Juan F (2020) Hierarchy and the Provision of Order in International Politics. The Journal of Politics, 82 (2). pp. 731-746. DOI
Beauregard, Alexandra and Adamson, Maria and Kunter, Aylin and Miles, Lilian and Roper, Ian (2020) Diversity in the work-life interface: Introduction to the Special Issue. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 39 (5). pp. 465-478. DOI
Benson, Michelle A and Gizelis, Theodora-Ismene (2020) A Gendered Imperative: Does Sexual Violence Attract UN Attention in Civil Wars? Journal of Conflict Resolution, 64 (1). pp. 167-198. DOI
Bernales, Alejandro and Verousis, Thanos and Voukelatos, Nikolaos (2020) Do investors follow the herd in option markets? Journal of Banking and Finance, 119. p. 104899. DOI
Bernales, Alejandro and Verousis, Thanos and Voukelatos, Nikolaos and Zhang, Mengyu (2020) What do we know about individual equity options? Journal of Futures Markets, 40 (1). pp. 67-91. DOI
Bhalotra, Sonia and Brulé, Rachel and Roy, Sanchari (2020) Women's inheritance rights reform and the preference for sons in India. Journal of Development Economics, 146. p. 102275. DOI
Bhalotra, Sonia and Chakravarty, Abhishek and Gulesci, Selim (2020) The Price of Gold: Dowry and Death in India. Journal of Development Economics, 143. p. 102413. DOI
Bhatti, Zeeshan Ahmed and Arain, Ghulam Ali and Akram, Muhammad Shakaib and Fang, Yu-Hui and Yasin, Hina Mahboob (2020) Constructive Voice Behavior for Social Change on Social Networking Sites: A Reflection of Moral Identity. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 157. p. 120101. DOI
Blais, André and Dassonneville, Ruth and Kostelka, Filip (2020) Political Equality and Turnout. In: The Oxford Handbook of Political Representation in Liberal Democracies. Oxford University Press, USA, pp. 396-412. ISBN 9780198825081. Official URL:
Bloom, Peter (2020) Identity, Institutions and Governance in an AI World Transhuman Relations. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK. ISBN 978-3-030-36180-8. Official URL: (In Press)
Bloom, Peter and Barthold, Charles (2020) Denaturalizing the Environment: Dissensus and the Possibility of Radically Democratizing Discourses of Environmental Sustainability. Journal of Business Ethics, 164 (4). DOI
Bodea, Cristina and Garriga, Ana Carolina and Higashijima, Masaaki (2020) Central Bank Independence and the Fate of Authoritarian Regimes. In: Populism, Economic Policies and Central Banking. SUERF - The European Money and Finance Forum . Bocconi University and BAFFI CAREFIN, Vienna, pp. 161-179. ISBN 978-3-902109-89-7. Official URL:
Bohmelt, Tobias and Bove, Vincenzo (2020) How migration policies moderate the diffusion of terrorism. European Journal of Political Research, 59 (1). pp. 160-181. DOI
Bohmelt, Tobias and Bove, Vincenzo and Nussio, Enzo (2020) Can Terrorism Abroad Influence Migration Attitudes at Home? American Journal of Political Science, 64 (3). pp. 437-451. DOI
Bolet, Diane (2020) Local labour market competition and radical right voting: Evidence from France. European Journal of Political Research, 59 (4). pp. 817-841. DOI
Boncori, Ilaria (2020) The Neverending Shift: A feminist reflection on living and organising academic lives during the Coronavirus pandemic. Gender, Work and Organization, 27 (5). pp. 677-682. DOI
Boncori, Ilaria and Loughran, Tracy (2020) Health and Wellbeing - The University of Essex Reader. punto org, 68 (1). Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli. ISBN 978-88-9391-663-9.
Boncori, Ilaria and Sicca, Luigi Maria and Bizjak, Davide (2020) Workload allocation models in academia: Panopticon of neoliberal control or tools for resistance? Tamara Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry, 18 (1). pp. 51-69. DOI
Boncori, Ilaria and Smith, Charlotte (2020) Negotiating the doctorate as an academic professional: identity work and sense making through auto ethnographic methods. Teaching in Higher Education, 25 (3). pp. 271-285. DOI
Boncori, Ilaria and StrauÎČ, Anke (2020) Foreign women in academia: double strangers between productivity, marginalization and resistance. Gender, Work and Organization, 27 (6). pp. 1004-1019. DOI
Boncori, Ilaria and Vaswani, Nileema (2020) Fifteen. In: Health and Wellbeing - The University of Essex Reader. Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli. (In Press)
Boocock, Andrew and Page-Tickell, Rebecca and Yerby, Elaine (2020) The Dis-evolution of Strategic HRM in the Gig Economy from Talent Management to Supply Chain Manager. In: Conflict and Shifting Boundaries in the Gig Economy: An Interdisciplinary Analysis. Emerald, pp. 89-105. ISBN 978-1-83867-604-9. Official URL:
Booker, Cara L and Andrews, Leanne and Green, Gillian and Kumari, Meena (2020) Impacts of long-standing illness and chronic illness on working hours and household income in a longitudinal UK study. SSM - Population Health, 12. p. 100684. DOI
Boolaky, Pran K and Taiwah, Vincent and Soobaroyen, Teerooven (2020) Why Do African Countries Adopt IFRS? An Institutional Perspective. The International Journal of Accounting, 55 (1). p. 2050005. DOI
Borea, Giuliana and Yahuarcani, Rember (2020) Amazonian Waterway, Amazonian Water-Worlds Rivers in Government Projects and Indigenous Art. In: Liquid Ecologies in Latin American and Caribbean Art. Routledge, pp. 106-124. ISBN 9780367199005. Official URL:
Bose, Udichibarna and Mallick, Sushanta and Tsoukas, Serafeim (2020) Does easing access to foreign financing matter for firm performance? Journal of Corporate Finance, 64. p. 101639. DOI
Bou-Habib, P (2020) The Integrity of Religious Believers. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 23 (1). pp. 81-93. DOI
Breinlich, Holger and Nolen, Patrick and Wright, Greg C (2020) Is Publicly-Reported Firm-Level Trade Data Reliable? Evidence from the UK. Working Paper. University of Essex, Department of Economics, Economics Discussion Papers, Colchester. (Unpublished)
Breinlich, Holger and Nolen, Patrick and Wright, Greg C (2020) Is publicly-reported firm-level trade data reliable? Evidence from the UK. PLoS One, 15 (11). e0236926-e0236926. DOI
Brewer, Mike and Gardiner, Laura (2020) The initial impact of COVID-19 and policy responses on household incomes. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 36 (S1). S187-S199. DOI
Brewer, Mike and Joyce, Robert and Waters, Tom and Woods, Joseph (2020) A method for decomposing the impact of reforms on the long-run income distribution, with an application to universal credit. Economics Letters, 192. p. 109230. DOI
Brisman, Avi and South, Nigel (2020) A Criminology of Extinction: Biodiversity, extreme consumption and the vanity of species resurrection. European Journal of Criminology, 17 (6). pp. 918-935. DOI
Bronka, Patryk and Collado, Diego and Richiardi, Matteo (2020) The Covid-19 crisis response helps the poor: the distributional and budgetary consequences of the UK lockdown. Discussion Paper. CEPR, Covid Economics, Vetted and Real Time papers.
Bruhin, Adrian and Goette, Lorenz and Haenni, Simon and Jiang, Lingqing (2020) Spillovers of Prosocial Motivation: Evidence from an Intervention Study on Blood Donors. Journal of Health Economics, 70. p. 102244. DOI
Bruhin, Adrian and Goette, Lorenz and Haenni, Simon and Jiang, Lingqing and Markovic, Alexander and Roethlisberger, Adrian and Buchli, Regula and Frey, Beat M (2020) The Sting of Rejection: Deferring Blood Donors due to Low Hemoglobin Values Reduces Future Returns. Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy, 47 (2). pp. 1-10. DOI
Burdett, Kenneth and Carrillo Tudela, Carlos and Coles, Melvyn (2020) The Cost of Job Loss. The Review of Economic Studies, 87 (4). pp. 1757-1798. DOI
Burton, Jonathan and Lynn, Peter and Benzeval, Michaela (2020) How Understanding Society: The UK Household longitudinal study adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic. Survey Research Methods, 14 (2). pp. 235-239. DOI
Busfield, Joan (2020) Documenting the financialisation of the pharmaceutical industry. Social Science and Medicine, 258. p. 113096. DOI
Butler, Peter and Hammer, Anita (2020) Pay progression in routinised service sector work: navigating the internal labour market in a fast food multinational company. Industrial Relations Journal, 51 (4). pp. 351-371. DOI
BĂ€ck, Hanna and Carroll, Royce A (2020) The distribution of ministerial posts in parliamentary democracies. In: The Oxford Handbook of Political Executives. Oxford University Press, pp. 314-335. ISBN 0198809298. Official URL: (In Press)
Böhmelt, Tobias and Bove, Vincenzo (2020) Does cultural proximity contain terrorism diffusion? Journal of Peace Research, 57 (2). pp. 251-264. DOI
Cabrales, Antonio and Feri, Francesco and Gottardi, Piero and Meléndez-Jiménez, Miguel A (2020) Can there be a market for cheap-talk information? An experimental investigation. Games and Economic Behavior, 121. pp. 368-381. DOI
Cahaya, Fitra Roman and Yoga, Gunadi (2020) Corporate Governance and Voluntary Disclosures: A Story about Corporate Transparency from Indonesia. International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, 13 (3). p. 1. DOI
Cai, Xiangshang and Gao, Ning and Garrett, Ian and Xu, Yan (2020) Are CEOs judged on their companies' social reputation? Journal of Corporate Finance, 64. p. 101621. DOI
Calvo Gallardo, Elena and Fernandez De Arroyabe Fernandez, Juan Carlos and Arranz, Nieves (2020) Preventing Internal COVID-19 Outbreaks within Businesses and Institutions: A Methodology Based on Social Networks Analysis for Supporting Occupational Health and Safety Services Decision Making. Sustainability, 12 (11). p. 4655. DOI
Cant, Callum and Woodcock, Jamie (2020) Fast Food Shutdown: From disorganisation to action in the service sector. Capital and Class, 44 (4). pp. 513-521. DOI
Canterino, Filomena and Cirella, Stefano and Piccoli, Beatrice and Shani, Rami (2020) Leadership and Change Mobilization: The Mediating Role of Distributed Leadership. Journal of Business Research, 108. pp. 42-51. DOI
Carrabine, Eamonn and Cox, Pamela and Cox, Alexandra and Crowhurst, Isabel and Di Ronco, Anna and Fussey, Pete and Sergi, Anna and South, Nigel and Thiel, Darren and Turton, Jackie (2020) Criminology. A Sociological Introduction (Fourth edition). Routledge. Official URL:
Carroll, Royce and Nalepa, Monika (2020) The personal vote and party cohesion: Modeling the effects of electoral rules on intraparty politics. Journal of Theoretical Politics, 32 (1). pp. 36-69. DOI
Case, Peter and Ćliwa, Martyna (2020) Leadership learning, power and practice in Laos: A leadership-as-practice perspective. Management Learning, 51 (5). pp. 537-558. DOI
Cavaglia, Chiara and Etheridge, Ben (2020) Job Polarization and the Declining Quality of Knowledge Workers:Evidence from the UK and Germany. Labour Economics, 66. p. 101884. DOI
Cavaliere, Giuseppe and Ărregaard Nielsen, Morten and Taylor, AM Robert (2020) Adaptive Inference in Heteroskedastic Fractional Time Series Models. Working Paper. Essex Finance Centre Woring Papers. (Unpublished)
Cerulli, Giovanni and DâApice, Vincenzo and Fiordelisi, Franco and Masala, Francesco (2020) Benchmarking non-performing loans. The European Journal of Finance, 26 (16). pp. 1591-1605. DOI
Chambers, Marcus (2020) Frequency Domain Estimation of Cointegrating Vectors with Mixed Frequency and Mixed Sample Data. Journal of Econometrics, 217 (1). pp. 140-160. DOI
Chambers, Marcus J and Taylor, AM Robert (2020) Deterministic Parameter Change Models in Continuous and Discrete Time. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 41 (1). pp. 134-145. DOI
Chan, Ka Kei and Lin, Ming-Tsung and Lu, Qinye (2020) Corporate Credit Default Swap Systematic Factors. Working Paper. Essex Finance Centre Working Papers, Colchester, UK.. (Unpublished)
Chen, Se and Li, Mingxian and Li, Jun (2020) Testing Operating Performance of Chinese Listed Firms before and after Cross-border M&As: The Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation. Innovation and Development Policy, 2 (1). pp. 64-82. DOI
Chiaramonte, Laura and Girardone, Claudia and Migliavacca, Milena and Poli, Federica (2020) Deposit Insurance Schemes and Bank Stability in Europe: How Much Does Design Matter? European Journal of Finance, 26 (7-8). pp. 589-615. DOI
Chiu, Faith and Rakusen, Lyndon L and Mattys, Sven L (2020) Phonetic categorization and discrimination of voice onset time under divided attention. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147 (6). EL484-EL490. DOI
Clair, Amy and Fledderjohann, Jasmine and Lalor, Doireann and Loopstra, Rachel (2020) The Housing Situations of Food Bank Users in Great Britain. Social Policy and Society, 19 (1). pp. 55-73. DOI
Clift, Rebecca (2020) Stability and visibility in embodied action: The 'palm up' in interaction. Journal of Pragmatics, 169. pp. 190-205. DOI
Clift, Rebecca and Pino, Marco (2020) Turning the Tables: Objecting to Conduct in Conflict Talk. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 53 (4). pp. 463-480. DOI
Clymo, Alex (2020) Discounts, Rationing, and Unemployment. European Economic Review, 128. p. 103518. DOI
Clymo, Alex and Lanteri, Andrea (2020) Fiscal Policy with Limited-Time Commitment. The Economic Journal, 130 (67). pp. 623-652. DOI
Cole, Amanda (2020) Co-variation and social meaning: the implicational relationship between (H) and (ING) in Debden, Essex. Language Variation and Change, 32 (3). pp. 349-371. DOI
Cole, Amanda (2020) Identifications of Speaker Ethnicity in South-East England: Multicultural London English as a Divisible Perceptual Variety. In: Proceedings of the LREC 2020 Workshop on "Citizen Linguistics in Language Resource Development", 2020-05-11 - 2020-05-16.
Comino, Stefano and Mastrobuoni, Giovanni and NicolĂČ, Antonio (2020) Silence of the Innocents: Undocumented Immigrantsâ Underreporting of Crime and their Victimization. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 39 (4). pp. 1214-1245. DOI
Condorelli, Daniele and Szentes, Balazs (2020) Information Design in the Hold-up Problem. Journal of Political Economy, 128 (2). pp. 681-709. DOI
Connor, Marc and Green, Gill and Thomas, Neale and Sondhi, Arun and Pevalin, David (2020) Drug testing on arrest-who benefits? Health and Justice, 8 (1). 3-. DOI
Cooke, Bill and Kumar, Arun (2020) U.S. Philanthropyâs Shaping of Management Education in the 20th Century: Toward a Periodization of History. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 19 (1). pp. 21-39. DOI
Cordell, Rebecca and Gleditsch, Kristian and Kern, Florian and Saavedra-Lux, Laura (2020) Measuring Institutional Variation Across American Indian Constitutions Using Automated Content Analysis. Journal of Peace Research, 57 (6). pp. 777-788. DOI
Corekcioglu, Gozde and Francesconi, Marco and Kunze, Astrid (2020) Do generous parental leave policies help top female earners? Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 36 (4). pp. 882-902. DOI
Corina, David P and Farnady, Lucinda and LaMarr, Todd and Pedersen, Svenna and Lawyer, Laurel and Winsler, Kurt and Hickok, Gregory and Bellugi, Ursula (2020) Effects of age on American Sign Language sentence repetition. Psychology and Aging, 35 (4). pp. 529-535. DOI
Corti, Louise (2020) Zooming in the time of Covid-19: 2020 Big Data Summer School successfully goes virtual. UK Data Service Impact Blog.
Corti, Louise and Bishop, Elizabeth (2020) Ethical issues in data sharing and curation. In: Handbook of Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity. Springer, London. ISBN 9783030167585. Official URL:
Costley, Tracey and Gkonou, Christina and Myles, Florence and Roehr-Brackin, Karen and Tellier, Angela (2020) Multilingual and monolingual children in the primary-level language classroom: individual differences and perceptions of foreign language learning. The Language Learning Journal, 48 (5). pp. 643-655. DOI
Costley, Tracey and Leung, Constant (2020) Putting translanguaging into practice: A view from England. System, 92. p. 102270. DOI
Costley, Tracey and Tavakoli, Parvaneh and Fitzpatrick, Damian (2020) Writing and Good Language Teachers. In: Lessons from Good Language Teachers. Cambridge University Press, pp. 286-297. ISBN 9781108489263. Official URL:
Cox, Alexandra (2020) The Language of Incarceration. Incarceration, 1 (1). p. 263266632094085. DOI
Cox, Alexandra L and Betts, Reginald Dwayne (2020) Mercy-oriented reentry and reintegration: Lessons from Policy and Practice. In: Moving Beyond Recidivism: Expanding Approaches to Research on Prisoner Reentry and Reintegration. NYU Press. ISBN 9781479853885. Official URL:
Cox, Pam and McPherson, Susan and Mason, Claire and Ryan, Mary and Baxter, Vanessa (2020) Reducing Recurrent Care Proceedings: Building a Local Evidence Base in England. Societies, 10 (4). p. 88. DOI
Cox, Pamela and Godfrey, Barry (2020) The âGreat Decarcerationâ: Historical Trends and Future Possibilities. Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, 59 (3). pp. 261-285. DOI
Cox, Pamela and Lamont, Ruth and Sunkin, Maurice (2020) Constitutional powers of the Victimsâ Commissioner for England and Wales. Technical Report. Office of the Victimsâ Commissioner.
Crowhurst, Isabel and Eldridge, Adam (2020) âA Cathartic Moment in a Manâs Lifeâ: Homosociality and Gendered Fun on the Puttan Tour. Men and Masculinities, 23 (1). pp. 170-193. DOI
Davillas, Apostolos and Pudney, Stephen (2020) Biomarkers as precursors of disability. Economics and Human Biology, 36. p. 100814. DOI
De, Debashree and Chowdhury, Soumyadeb and Dey, Prasanta Kumar and Ghosh, Sadhan Kumar (2020) Impact of Lean and Sustainability Oriented Innovation on Sustainability Performance of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: A Data Envelopment Analysis-based framework. International Journal of Production Economics, 219. pp. 416-430. DOI
DeglâInnocenti, Marta and Fiordelisi, Franco and Trinugroho, Irwan (2020) Competition and stability in the credit industry: Banking vs. factoring industries. The British Accounting Review, 52 (1). p. 100831. DOI
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